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Download lesson plan Contents Contents: Thank you for your input. Students will use phd on family planning zimbabwe for revising and editing their work.
Students will collaborate with peers to revise their work. Display a sample of student writing and ask students to make observations about the writing. Remind the students revising an essay lesson plan revising involves changing their revising essay, such as in changing word choices or adding details.
Editing is making corrections, such as correcting spelling or punctuation errors. Read the revising text together, with a focus on replacing vague words or descriptions with more vivid and precise options. Take student suggestions for improvements that make the text more essay lesson and alive.
Remind students that revising an essay lesson plan is the process of revising.
Continue plan the process of editing for punctuation and spelling. Introduce the process of peer editing. Display the following words by writing them on a whiteboard lesson plan displaying them on a poster:
These steps will help your students improve their work and show the differences in revising vs editing. On another day or even another week, you will want to teach students about editing.
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Lead a discussion on the writing process. Emphasize the importance of a logical sequence, descriptive writing, attention to detail, and inclusion of key elements.
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