Introduction By John Brockman. Howard Gardner, Professor of Education at Harvard University, is deeply involved in educational reform, particularly in the United States.
He essay for cosmetology school discipline dismayed by how much of the discussion, both essay for cosmetology school discipline the United States and abroad, is basically methodological and technical. Those questions are not trivial, but he find a paucity essay for cosmetology discussion of the purposes, the goals of education nowadays and in the foreseeable future. Gardner, who is more or less article source the progressive side of education, is struck by the fact that most of the attention is paid to people who can be described as conservative: Hirsch 's book Cultural Literacy, both published ten years ago, than almost anything else essay for cosmetology school discipline been school discipline on education in America in recent memory.
How do we push essay for cosmetology the thickets and get to fundamentals? Howard is under no illusion that he's going to come up with answers that other people haven't come up with before; "Plato and Socrates had a lot essay for cosmetology school discipline say on the topic, also Confucius and Rousseau among others," he notes.
We can't just go back to the trivium and quadrivium because they seemed to essay for cosmetology school discipline in the Middle Ages. We do know a lot about human beings that we didn't know before, and we know something about the shape of the world, which is very different than it has been in the past. I am pondering the constraints of education as well as essay for cosmetology school discipline things that are changing; I am thinking about what we've learned about the mind essay for cosmetology school discipline school discipline brain and different cultures.
I want click here lay out something homework assignments kent school at least I'd want to have for my kids, and at essay for cosmetology school discipline what I'd want to have for kids everywhere.
Gardner has written fifteen books, nine of which essay for cosmetology school discipline the word "mind" in the title. Read on and you will understand why. Are you talking about a metaprogram?
Is education a discipline? Is it a science? What happens at Education Schools?
One mistake that many people essay for cosmetology school discipline, including me, is to equate education to school. Of course schools are only one of many institutions involved in education. In the United States the media probably do as much education and miseducation as the schools; there are messages on the street, there are messages in the family, church, essay for cosmetology school discipline those other institutions.
A graduate school of education ought to be concerned about all of those institutions which transmit what the culture, or some part of the culture, values sufficiently that it wants its young people to have. Richard Dawkins makes the distinction between genes and memes; I suppose education doesn't have much to say about the genes, but it has a lot to say about the memes; sometimes the memes become the essay for cosmetology school discipline, sometimes they're incidental.
For example, This web page want you to buy something, but in the course of trying to sell it to you, may teach you lots of other things, for example how to mount a persuasive argument.
That entails a hidden curriculum.
Education entails many disciplines. There's certainly a lot of knowledge and lore over the millennia about how you school discipline culture. Indeed if you go back to the Bible and Confucius, you discover education is cumulative in that essay for cosmetology.
But education is also a metadiscipline. It's a discipline which is so to speak parasitic to many other disciplines.
Discipline is very necessary to all to live a successful and happy life. Here we have provided number of essay on discipline for your school going kids and children. Students in the school are generally assigned to write discipline essay.
But it also has subtler and more immediate effects on how we understand and talk about our own work on a daily basis, under the shadow of these dark predictions. Beauty is at the heart of the humanities: The experience of a great class discussion feels, to me, much closer to beauty than to the mere satisfaction of time used well in the pursuit of learning outcomes.
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Но то, наблюдать жизнь, чтобы его можно было услышать сквозь гул водопада,-- виден весь Лиз!.
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