Channel estimation and equalization for DVB-T. Throughput Estimation in Software-Defined Networks. Virtualization of Video Streaming Functions. Optimized dynamic multi-view video streaming using view interpolation. Datenbank mit Bildfehlern bei synthetischen Bildinhalten.
Interactive Visualization of Software Defined Networks. Performance Evaluation and Enhancement. Optimized Implementation of an MVC decoder. Virtual-view rendering for 3D-video communication systems.
Continue reading Suppression for a Media-oriented Network Protocol. Mediarouting in consideration of fault-tolerance and strict delay constraint. Voice-Modeling based on a given F0-track.
Transparent Transmission Segmentation for Multimedia Applications.
Kim Hao Josef Nguyen. Audio-visual fusion based blind source separation. Yashavanth Master thesis Gowda Chowrikoppalu.
Automatic Classification of Audio Source Mixtures. Communication engineering bandwidth sharing videos WLANs.
Binaural Tracking of Moving Sound Sources. Binaurale Separation akustischer Quellen. Binaurale Lokalisierung akustischer Videos.
The communications engineer is concerned with the efficient and reliable transmission of information over noisy channels. Such channels arise in many applications, e. Companies that hire communications engineers include communications equipment manufacturers such as RIM, Qualcomm, Motorola, Nokia, and Ericsson.
We live in the age of information, where communication and information processing are at the heart of our modern society. Intelligent transportation systems, smart cities, traffic safety, positioning and navigation, eHealth, Industry 4.
Computer and Communication Engineering. Thesis and internships in companies.
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