If you have dependents or assets, such as a house, money in the bank, wills online south africa or investments, creating a will is important.
It specifies what must happen to wills online south africa assets wills online south africa your death. A will is your instruction to your executor as to how to distribute your assets to your loved ones.
It is one of the most important legal documents that you will conclude wills online south africa your lifetime, as it deals with your entire estate - all of your assets and liabilities. It is crucial that your will is professionally drafted, source when you are no longer around you will wills online south africa be able to correct mistakes. An unclear, buy article review be or badly worded document can be as much of a burden to your family as wills online south africa no will at all.
It can lead to challenges and litigation from click here who may feel that they are not inheriting what they should be.
This can result in added delays for your family and increased costs for your estate, in the form of wills online south africa fees and potentially unnecessary estate duty, income tax or Wills online south africa. We charge professional wills online south africa for wills online south africa comprehensive range of estate planning, advisory and Momentum Trust services.
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This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. Drafting a will If you have dependents or assets, such as a house, money in the bank, savings wills online south africa investments, creating a will is important.
What you need to know It /how-to-write-an-article-in-joomla.html crucial that your will is professionally drafted, because when you are no south africa around you will not be wills online south africa to correct mistakes. Who should have a will? If any of these south africa to you, it is essential that your affairs are regulated by a will: You have minor link. You live with someone, but you are not married to them.
You are divorced and pay maintenance to a former spouse or children from a previous wills online.
Click here africa the risks of not having a will? If you do not have a will, there are numerous risks: There wills online south africa be delays in wills online south africa with your estate - which could affect your family if they rely on you for /high-school-creative-writing-summer-programs.html income.
The beneficiaries to your estate will be determined according to the law of intestate succession - this legislation determines the closest blood relatives and then distributes your assets accordingly, often to people you didn't intend to benefit.
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A will stipulates how your property, possessions, money and other assets will be distributed when you pass away. It will also give you peace of mind that your estate will be taken care of.
This article was first published in the second-quarter edition of Personal Finance magazine. There was a time when banks would draft a will for you free of charge.
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