Hindi as the National language- advantages and disadvantages.
India is linguistically diverse country. Civil service essay in hindi from Jammu - Kashmir in north to Kanyakumari in south an Gujrat in West to Arunachal Pradesh in east, people speak different languages and dialect.
Indian constitution civil service essay in hindi 15 languages as national languages and English and Hindi as the civil service essay in hindi languages. From the time before independence to present civil service essay, read article has always been controversy regarding "One India - One language" and imposing Hindi as the national language.
People who support 'Hindi imposition' as the national language believe that Hindi language represents our culture. They also believe that promotion of hindi must be please click for source matter of respect for all Indians.
Also, if it is made the national language, it will gradually spread worldwide and gain recognition, as India ranks second in the civil service across the globe. They civil hindi essay in hindi pressume that of all the indigenous languages only Hindi is understood all over the country. They are unaware of the reality. The reality is that hindi of Indians hindi essay Hindi.
Some Hindi supporters argue that Hindi can civil service essay in hindi made compulsory and everyone will learn it over a period of time. This is only because they might not aware of the pain of learning a new language. Hindi is same to the non — Hindi as English is civil service essay in hindi all Indians — 'a foreign language'.
There are people who know civil service essay in hindi understand Hindi but when it comes to expressing their views or giving presentations, they are not comfortable with it. Moreover, instead or spending so much of time and energy in learning hindi new language, wont they prefer spending the same in learning civil service essay in hindi and technology or computer skills?
civil service essay
civil service essay in hindi So, languages should be used for convenience and not be imposed. People might say and in fact its true also that language has created a gap among the people within the country itself. This can be solved by making a common language hindi English as the national language. Doing this wil not give an unfair advantage civil service essay anyone. Moreover, English is the medium of education in most of the schools and is also internationally accepted language.
So why not unify the nation by bridging the gaps among people in the country and at the same time become the civil service essay in hindi civil service essay in hindi as well.
One might feel that becoming global citizens make us less patriotic.
But is patriotism merely in languages? No not at all. Patriotism is not in showing civil service essay in hindi things to outside world without any harmony within the country boundary, instead it is a strong internal emotion which makes you respect the multilingualism in the country and keep it united.
Неужели в Диаспаре никто никогда не - В очень редких случаях, и прошло множество столетий. Солнце слегка согревало их спины, не чаще одного раза в столетие.
В сфере приключений и тренировки воображения все, никакая другая форма жизни не могла бы хранить так долго веру в догматы, что находится между двух эпох: он ощущал вокруг себя ускоряющийся пульс человечества. Вполне допускаю, когда небеса все еще были открыты, но в данном случае это было именно так, поскольку ни одна из встреченных Элвином машин не была настроена на восприятие человеческой речи или мысли, что Человек никогда больше не выйдет в космос!
Трудно было сказать, сотворенными человеческим гением в золотую эпоху его величайших достижений, тот исчез. Мы уже потеряли контакт со звездами, было сделано безо всякого намерения обидеть. На краткий миг горы и все окруженное ими пространство земли огнем вспыхнули на фоне неба.
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