For more than five millennia the population of Afroeurasia had grown steadily, forming larger and more complex political units such as the Han Chinese, Persian Achaemenid, and Roman empires.
Around to CE this cycle of empire building came nearly to a halt, and even for a time reversed itself. The ancient world came to an end, and over the years of Big Era Five, many elements of the modern world first came into view.
One distinguishing feature of this era was its unusual demographic population history. Overall there were fluctuations with a long-term upward trend, culminating with a significant rise at the end of the period to million people globally.
This number broke the ceiling on growth that had limited the population advances of earlier agrarian societies. The population surge of Big Era Five was world history for us all big era 5 to the spread of innovations in agriculture, especially numerous small changes to improve irrigation, domestic animal breeds, and enrichment of the soil. These advances, which took place from Europe and West Africa to China and Japan, increased the number of people that a given acre of land could feed.
Long-distance trade also supplied world history for us all big era 5 with a more varied diet and numerous products world history for us all big era 5 at least world history for us all big era 5 improved the quality of life. Politically, Big Era Five was marked by the founding read more world history for us all big era 5 kaleidoscope of city-states, kingdoms, and empires.
States and the economic systems linked to them became more complex. The largest of these were the Arab Muslim empire of the eighth century and the Mongol empire of the thirteenth century.
Long-distance commerce grew and cities multiplied across Afroeurasia, especially between world history for us all big era 5 CE. Big Era Five saw the emergence of the Indian Ocean basin as a new focus of busy economic interchange. Notably during the era of the Mongol empire and the several big Mongol states that followed it, the source roads across Afroeurasia bustled with caravan trade world history for us all big era 5 silks, cottons, spices, tea, horses, ceramic wares, and numerous other products.
Caravans and ships also carried ideas; during this era, a great deal of scientific and technological cross-fertilization took place, especially in Afroeurasia but also in the Americas. In America, world history for us all big era 5 and architectural techniques and styles article here from the Olmec city-states of the second and first millennium BCE far and wide across Mesoamerica and to Native American peoples more info north.
Culturally, Big Era Five featured the consolidation of several Glossary-without Javascript belief systems and the continuing retreat of the purely local religions of farmers, foragers, world history for us all big era 5 Glossary-without Javascript pastoral nomads.
The number of distinct religious traditions in the world almost certainly declined significantly, even as universalist religions, that is, value community services that appealed to people across boundaries of language and local culture, grew by leaps and bounds.
Islam, together with Christianity and Buddhism, offered world history for us all big era 5 universal message of comfort, moral living, and salvation that gave them widespread appeal.
Documents Flashcards Grammar checker. History Big Era 5: Patterns of Interregional Unity:
While many teachers and students are familiar with the histories and contributions of individual civilizations and regions, traditional instructional materials provide few opportunities to link and compare developments that connected societies across regions and around the world. This unit provides an overview of several important varieties of change. They will learn how world population changed during this era.
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