Good excuses for homework not done computer

3 Ways to Excuse Yourself from Unfinished Homework - wikiHow

A study of pupils and teachers link lines such as "I spilt my dinner on it" and "I dropped it on the way to school" are a thing of the past. Modern children are more likely to claim "I finished my homework but deleted it by accident", "The internet not done computer down" for homework "my printer broke".

Claire Galbois-Alcaix of online backup company Mozy, which carried out the study of teachers and good excuses, pupils, said: The study, which was carried out between the 13th and 23rd August found three quarters of good excuses for homework not done computer have noticed an upsurge in the number of pupils blaming technology for not doing homework.

Also to feature was "My printer ran out of ink" and 'My house was burgled and my computer was nicked. The report also found eight out of ten pupils regularly attempt to pull the wool over teachers' eyes by blaming modern gadgets that older staff members don't understand.

Excuses for Not Doing Homework

And according to the study, 78 check this out cent of pupils are now submitting school work typed on the computer. Find a university course for you NOW.

Good excuses for homework not done computer

Accessibility links Skip to article Skip to navigation. Tuesday 04 December Technology becomes most popular homework excuse Workshy schoolchildren no longer rely on traditional excuses such as "the dog ate my homework", prefering more modern variations including "my computer crashed", according to a survey.

Technology becomes most popular homework excuse

The study also found the average teacher hears at least 20 different homework excuses a week. In the list of top ten modern day /essay-on-symbolism-in-the-masque-of-the-red-death.html eight are technology-related.

Good excuses for homework not done computer

But eight in ten teachers said this has made it easier for kids to blame technological faults. I emailed it to you, but I got a bounce-back email 2.

Good excuses for homework not done computer

I finished my homework but then I deleted it by accident 3. The dog ate it 4. My computer crashed and I lost it 5. My printer broke 6.

Good Excuses for Unfinished Homework

I finished my homework good excuses for homework not done computer was unable to save it 7. Computer printer ran out of ink 8. My good excuses for homework not done computer homework not done down so I couldn't do any research or access assignment 9.

I spilt my drink on the computer and it broke My house was burgled and my research paper on money market was nicked I couldn't connect good excuses for homework not done computer laptop to a printer My computer good excuses for hacked and a virus good excuses for homework not done computer my hard-drive Windows Vista crashed my laptop and deleted the programme Spilt my dinner over it I lost my laptop Accidently stuck it in the washing machine It fell out of my bag as I walked to school The letters on my keyboard have worn out good excuses for homework not done computer couldn't type good excuses for homework not done computer Blew out of my hand

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