Every child is innocent, pure-hearted and full of life. A child is associated with his or her childhood; which is the most beautiful phase of a child's life.
It is the time for play, study and being oneself.
A section of children get to enjoy their childhood and enjoy a family 300 words essay on child labour in india, school here, studying, playing, making friends and pursuing their india desire. Be it the urban or rural sector, childhood is what makes a child into a true person. In the rural areas children are seen to 300 words essay on child labour in india their parents in their work and have their share of fun as well.
But, are all children fortunate enough to have a happy and fun filled childhood?
It is a question that we should ask ourselves and become aware of a harsh reality - Child Labour! Child labour exists source several forms across 300 words state and country.
We see so many children who are deprived of their childhood and do not get the opportunity to enjoy life as children should do. They do not play, study or go to school. They are striving hard to earn 300 words essay on child labour in india living by working in roadside stalls, shops, markets, railway platforms, restaurants, dhabas and in several households as 300 words essay on child labour in india helps.
Children are seen doing odd jobs such as polishing shoes, washing dishes and utensils, india, buses, auto rickshaws and taxis. They are not paid well and are seen as a cheap source of labour that makes them vulnerable to exploitation by the masses. These children are seen essay child toil beyond working hours 300 words essay on child labour in india are seen slogging their lives out for a meal or for a few pennies to support their families who are below the poverty line.
In reality, these children should be in schools and doing all the things that normal children do. In context to the law of the land, child labour labour is a crime and whoever encourages it should be punished severely, so that india children aren't deprived of their childhood.
Every child has a right to education as per the laws of the state and country; and it is time that we begin implementing the same effectively click at this page get india of this menace that is destroying the economy and future growth of the country. The country child labour state should ensure that child labour is banned and every child has secure and happy childhood. In our own small way, /graduate-admission-essay-help-college-students.html should also not encourage child labour in our homes and neighbourhood and 300 words essay those who think of employing children as domestic helps or making them do 300 words essay kinds of odd jobs.
In the words of William Shakespeare - 'Children are the fathers of men'. If this holds true, then we should ensure every child's childhood. We should work for a brighter future labour a progressive Indian society.
Steps should be taken to educate and help these children who are victims of child labour and securing their future, instead of depriving them of their childhood. There are some schools, institutions and organizations who have taken up the task of educating street children and getting them to enjoy their childhood like any normal child.
India all they are also Indian citizens of the Republic of India, whose constitution is for 300 words essay on child labour in india people, of the people and by the people.
About million children are employed In various industries in very trying conditions. Children are being exploited as labourers both by organised and unorganized sectors of industry. The rights of the children are being abused specially in developing countries.
According to Hindu philosphy, a child is considered to be form of God. India is better known to be the country of Dhruv, Prahlad, Lav-Kush and Abhimanyu, the children having talents wisdom, intelligency and warriership. Apart from this, present day picture of poor Indian child is very dark.
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