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There are a handful of business school essay questions that seem to capture the heart and imagination of many an MBA program. It seems that, across the board, admissions committees feel these queries offer the best insight into the minds of their applicants. You are likely to see a version of one or more of these common MBA essay questions on your b-school application.
An essay is a short piece of writing on a topic and generally presents the author's point of view on the matter. It is an organized collection of ideas. It could be based upon any real experience or imaginary idea of the author.
In India, IIMs hold the prestigious position of being the best institutions from which to pursue MBA studies and launch a successful career in business management and administration. Countless institutions provide coaching and mock test rounds to prepare students to easily tackle the questions and also to manage their time efficiently. This is in line with the admissions policy employed by the best B-Schools around the world.
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