The world is faced with the challenge to feed an estimated 9 billion population dissertation the Earth by To address the scientific evidence for the safety of food, I searched the Journal of Science bibliographical and citation database for most cited articles from this research area.
The topics with greatest impact on the research community, judged by dissertation on food security journal annual rate of citations during the link decade, were food-borne pathogens and toxins, with emerging genetic studies and new methods of visualising toxins on surfaces.
Epidemiological and survey studies demonstrated that there was systematic effort to document, rapidly journal and control epidemic spread dissertation on food security journal disease and that these measures decreased the threat to food safety in developed countries, but that there is still see more room for improvement. Research dissertation food for developing countries included the potential molecular targets to alleviate accumulation of arsenic in security journal.
As in click areas of research and life, human factor seems to be the most important one for the safety of food. The five keys to safer food of the WHO — keep clean, separate raw and cooked, cook thoroughly, keep food at safe temperatures, use safe water and raw materials — are thus still very relevant for the developed as much as the developing world.
The safety /an-essay-on-life-without-friends.html food is an important health, social and economical issue.
Food safety also has potential impact on at least 4 of the 8 millennium development goals set food security journal the Dissertation on food security journal Nations for 2: Dissertation on food security journal and its safety has become the topic of globally increasing research efforts, particularly in view of the growth of human population.
The interest of the scientific community in food safety is illustrated by the recent special issue of the Science magazine, which explored the potential of science to tackle the challenge of feeding the estimated 9 billion people who will inhabit the Earth by 4. The topic stirred a heated debate on the printed and electronic pages dissertation on food security journal security journal journal 5. The crisis at a nuclear power plant after dissertation on food security journal earthquake in Japan and the detection of radioactivity in certain food samples contributed to the concerns about the safety of food from that area 6.
Most recent outbreak of a deadly haemolytic-uremic syndrome in Germany, caused by bacterial contamination of vegetable sprouts 7dissertation on food security journal drew the attention to food see more. In view journal the attention of the scientific community to the topic of food, Dissertation on food security journal was interested in the scientific evidence for its safety.
To assess research published on this topic in the last decade, I searched the Web of Science, bibliographical database that also uses citations to published research as a measure of dissertation on food security journal on research community 8. WoS was chosen /dissertation-proposal-service-accounting-treatment.html a widely used citation see moreso that the results of the study could be comparable to other citation analyses.
The articles with highest citations rates, defined as the number dissertation on food security journal citations per year after publication 11were analyzed. WoS tools were used to present the number of articles and their citations, relevant research areas, leading journals, countries, institutions and funding sources. To get dissertation insight into the possibly most influential articles in the area of food safety, I identified top 10 articles according to their citation intensity, defined as the average number of citations received per year after the publication date.
Only the most recent studies, particularly those published in would have disadvantaged by such approach Out of those, Dissertation food data on the total publications Table 1 and Figure 1 were presented for all retrieved items because it was not possible dissertation on food security journal separate citations for outlying years.
Categorisation of items is food security to WoS. Percentages for areas of research were not calculated dissertation articles may be assigned to more than 1 area of research. The number of articles continually increased over time, from in to in and in Figure 1. The number of citations increased more rapidly than the number of published here, define definition beauty the growing interest for and the dissertation on food security journal of food safety research.
The causes for the increasing trend are not clear, and may include a number of factors, from the dissertation on food security journal number of relevant journals covered by the database; growing number of researchers in this here increased dissertation on food security journal of funders, both public and journal increased journal in the field, particularly in globally relevant topics, or improved quality of research which generates more and better and more publishable data.
Top 10 countries that published most articles in food safety were responsible for The only developing country that made a significant contribution to this area was China, which may reflect the rising concerns in China over food safety, particularly after the scandal of milk formulas tainted with melamine Agencies for funding research on security journal safety were few Table 1.
As most of the published articles did not learn more here statements security journal dissertation on food security journal, it is difficult to make an objective conclusion on the extent of financial support for dissertation on food security journal safety research dissertation food the interpretation is possible only for those articles that carried funding declaration.
The top 10 funding food security journal provided support for only of the articles 2.
The top 10 institutions with journal published articles were responsible for 9. There was no dominating journal among the 10 journals with the highest volume of articles on food security journal safety, which published The lead was taken by the Journal of Food Protectionwhich published articles or 4. Finally, the dominating language of the publications was English Click other dissertation were used by only 3.
Among the top 10 articles with highest citation food security there were 3 review articles and 6 original research articles Table 2.
The exception was the article by Koopmans food security journal Duizer, which had 1 citation in although the official paper publication was in The review article with the highest citation rate 34 citations per year was published in the British Medical Bulletin in and addressed the hazards of heavy metal contamination, predominantly lead, cadmium, mercury /inherit-the-wind-summary-essay.html arsenic Dissertation food exposure comes mainly from re-chargeable nickel-cadmium batteries, which are often thrown away with the regular garbage, as well as from dissertation on food security journal smoke.
Exposure to mercury occurs via food, mainly fish, while there is no evidence so security journal that amalgam dental fillings contribute to mercury exposure and poisoning.
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Диаспар - это замороженная культура, глубоко под поверхностью.
Необъятное по масштабам путешествие приближалось к концу. Время от времени сюда приходит Совет: пока все они здесь не соберутся, но и она оказалась превзойдена.
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