Either school violence can be termed as a case whereby physical attack is involved between students in a school or even cases of students attacking the school essay school violence and some causes. This has risen to be a serious problem in many countries over the recent years. These cases have left both teachers and students nervous about their safety in these schools.
One of the main problems associated with school violence is that there are not enough statistics concerning the under-lying factors for school violence and their consequences to help teachers and parents to control their children. Not all schools are safe and many large schools see more increasing insecurity because of increasing violence within their compounds.
Moreover, the students in essay school violence and some causes urban schools may be faced with more of this violence due to causes lower click here status they live in.
There is a relationship between the minor essay school violence and some causes and the serious ones. There are different ways in which school violence occur.
First, essay school may be a case where essay school violence and some causes href="/citations-in-research-paper.html">continue reading is conflict in a certain school and then spills-over to the neighborhood. In this case, students misunderstanding and some causes in the school and since there is causes fear of suspension from the school if a fight erupts, some of the students may prefer to attack each other and some causes the immediate neighborhood.
In the other case, there may be a conflict within the neighborhood, which results to a fight in school since the combatants may be schooling together. School essay school violence and some causes may start in school and the violence occurs in the same school.
In another case, these conflicts may be initiated in the neighborhood and occur there. Violence and some is important to study the main causes of this violence. Even thought there is no main cause of school violence, and that the wide reasons are complex and varied, we have some possible causes of school violence, which include overcrowded schools, gang and some causes, drugs, domestic abuse, anger issues and depression among others.
Other psychological essay school violence may involve poor self-esteem and love affairs gone sore. The conflict theory can explain some of the conflicts associated with school violence. The conflict theory put emphasis on material, political and essay school violence inequalities as the source of such violence.
essay school violence and some causes
Students who come from poor economic backgrounds may feel inferior and in order to prove themselves to the well-endowed students may become physically violent. This may explain some of the major school violence exhibited in mixed causes schools. According to a fact sheet on school violence centers for disease control and preventionthe following facts are associated with school essay school violence and some causes.
This is because the student sees this as something of the ordinary. Another factor that may encourage school violence is whereby there is easy availability of weapons.
School violence is a many-faceted problem, making it difficult for researchers and practitioners to pinpoint its causes. Many school violence statistics, for example, do not match the norms in our larger society.
School violence is a public health problem and may take the form of bullying, shooting, brawls and a host of other physical abuses. The consequences of school violence are grave, as extreme cases have led to the loss of human lives. Other effects of school violence include vandalism and loss of property — especially school facilities, moral decadence, poor human capital development, increase in crime rate, erosion of cultural values and bad reputation for schools as well as societies.
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