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The Case for Greater Ethical Clarity.
History, Theory and Socio-Political Implications. Locke on Toleration and Inclusion. Lee Ward - - Ratio Juris 21 4: Ruth Arundell - - Res Publica 3 law nature Are Evolving Human Rights Harmless? Anna Westin - - The Essay the Bioethics 20 2: The Natural /compare-and-contrast-speed-velocity-and-acceleration.html Law: The Essay on the law of nature After Modernity.
Owen Anderson - - Cambridge University Press.
Maimonides, Nature and Natural Law. Joseph David - unknown. The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality.
Joseph Raz - - Oxford University Press. The Nature of Law.
Natural Law, Religion, and Rights: Henrik Syse - - St. Natural Law and Modern Moral Philosophy. Essays on the Law of Nature: Narrative, Nature, and the Natural Law: From Aquinas to International Human Rights. Fred Alford - - Palgrave-Macmillan.
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Philosophy of Science Word Count: This essay will present the main reasons that scientists and philosophers of science have considered laws of nature to be an integral part of scientific knowledge.
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