ATM Transaction — Transaction failed but amount debited. Dear Sir, I have saving bank account amount.
Earlier on 23rd February at around 4: The transaction cannot be completed. I was told by my SBI bank that there may be for atm deduction problem in the machine from which I transacted and asked me to complain the bank bank manager for it.
Thus, there was no response from anywhere. The problem was with ATM of Oriental Bank of Commerce, so it is not understandable why i am told to contact my branch. Instead go here checking the functioning of thier own Amount and correcting thier own fault they are passing everything on me and telling me to contact my branch.
It is requested to kindly takeup the matter with Oriental bank of Commerce and get my amount recovered as I am just a student leaving away from my native Please do take my case as urgent and help me out recovering my money. ATM Transaction - Cash was not taken but has deducted from account. ATM Transaction - money didn't received from atm but money got deducted.
When I used another nearby ATM, I was surprised to see that have been debited from my account, thus incurring on me a loss. Then I have done a written complain to the complain book there. Please see the matter.
I have informed it at my local Domkal Branch but unfortunately no majors are taken woodlands junior homework help refund letter deducted amount. I repeatedly requested the How write. But I did not receive the amount till date. So, Kindly take a positive step to return my amount at an early date and oblige.
Your Rating 1 star is bad, 5 stars is good. ATM Transaction - Transaction failed but amount debited. Share /essay-slang-meaning.html Tweet 0 Share 0.
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Here are sample and template about how to write a letter to bank manager for refund money which is wrongly deducted from account. I am holding a … Account mention type in your bank for the past … years mention duration years.
Yesterday i have complaint lost my sbi bank atm card after that found my atm. At first try the ATM was unable to process my request ,but the second try was successful and i could withdraw the said amount. The receipt that i got thereafter was showing correct balance also.
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