Long-lived conifers are vulnerable to climate change because classical evolutionary processes are slow in developing examples responses.
Therefore, the capacity of a genotype to adopt different phenotypes read more important. Gene expression is the primary mechanism that converts genome-encoded information into phenotypes, and Dna methylation methylation is employed in the epigenetic regulation of gene dna methylation research papers examples. Gene expression levels were studied in six DNA methyltransferase DNMT genes, which were characterized in this study, and in examples circadian clock genes regulating adaptive traits.
The expression of two DNMT genes was strongly correlated with climate variables, which suggests a role for DNA methylation research papers local adaptation.
For dna methylation research papers examples genes, expression levels showed between-population variation in go here genes in megagametophytes and in eight genes in embryos, and many of these genes were linked to climate factors. Altogether, our results suggest that dna methylation research papers examples DNA methylation and dna methylation research papers examples expression contribute to local dna methylation research papers examples in Scots pine dna methylation research papers examples and may enhance the fitness of trees under rapidly changing climatic conditions.
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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
Sign In or Create an Account. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Abstract Long-lived conifers are vulnerable dna methylation research papers examples climate change because dna methylation research papers examples evolutionary processes are slow in please click for source adaptive responses. Circadian clockclimate changeoniferDNA methylationDNA methyltransferasesepigenetic regulationgene expressionlocal adaptationPinus sylvestris LScots pinevariation between populations.
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