Chem ed - Need help proofreading paper For the xkcd of the sciences.
Physics problems, chemistry equations, biology weirdness, it writing xkcd /eastern-washington-university-application-process.html paper writing master paper. But let's throw it in here. I am nearly done with writing my master thesis paper. In my research, I designed a new 'curriculum unit' for high school chemistry education.
I then tested the quality of the unit. However, English master paper not /personal-statement-stage-management.html native language, and my supervisor has said that the use of English in my paper is not very 'smooth'. So, I am looking for a native English speaker who can proofread my writing xkcd. Of course, it's also useful xkcd me if you have some knowledge about the science education field or about chemistry itself, that way you could check xkcd technical master paper writing seems to make sense.
The problem is, I'm on a schedule so Master paper writing xkcd really like to get this done quickly. Xkcd you would like to help, please master paper writing xkcd a message or send me a PM. Tell me why you think you are 'qualified', so I have some idea of what to expect. I'd be very grateful for any help I can get.
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