Write good scholarship essay vocabulary

At my first college admissions meetings with students, I ask parents to identify nouns, adjectives, phrases, and short vocabulary that will help me know something about their son or daughter.

Write good scholarship essay vocabulary

Usually, one parent takes the lead, calling out a rapid-fire list write good scholarship essay vocabulary words: To get a little deeper, I might also ask, "What was your son or daughter like when he she was a little write good scholarship essay vocabulary girl? I take essay vocabulary on what the parents say, write good scholarship when they are finished with their verbal offerings, I ask students if they want to add anything.

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After the meeting, I email write good scholarship essay vocabulary list of the words to the student and parents, so they can keep adding words. This exercise is the write good scholarship essay vocabulary of a write good scholarship essay vocabulary to come up with learn more here messages students want colleges to "get" vocabulary them as they fill-out applications, write essays and have interviews.

Figuring out how to communicate about what makes you "you" is one of the most important parts of applying to college. Well, last year's Stanford application asked, "What five words best describe you?

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Just so you know, research suggests that knowing who you are is a first step in becoming a confident, effective adult. Since I always encourage students to develop word write good scholarship essay vocabulary, many ask me to provide examples of words that other applicant families vocabulary come up with.

To give you some idea, here is a list of descriptive words and phrases I have collected over the years:.

Write good scholarship essay vocabulary

Academic, adventurous, an advocate, analytical, animal-lover, animated, articulate, artistic, write good scholarship essay vocabulary, astute, athletic, autonomous. Can-do attitude, capable, caring, cerebral, good with /dare-essay-pledge-statement.html, class clown, community service oriented, compassionate, competent, concerned about others, confident, conscientious, considerate, courageous, creative, read article. Daring, dependable, detail-oriented, diligent, disciplined, down-to-earth, driven.

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Fearless, a finisher, fitness-oriented, flexible, focused, a foodie, friendly, doesn't suffer fools, fun, funny. Generous, gentle, genuine, never gives up, goal-oriented, goes beyond what is expected, good natured, good with the elderly, gracious, grounded. Imaginative, fiercely independent, inspirational, an write good scholarship essay vocabulary, intelligent, interpersonal, involved. Mature, mechanically oriented, methodical, modest, motivated, multi-lingual, musical.

An "old-soul," optimistic, organized, click the following article, outdoorsy, outgoing, his or her own person.

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Passionate, patient, persistent, poised, write good, popular, positive, has stage presence, a problem solver. A reader, reliable, a researcher, resilient, resourceful, respected, respectful, responsible, a risk-taker.

Write good scholarship essay vocabulary

Scholarly, scientific, a self-starter, science-oriented, sensitive to others, sincere, sparkling, spiritual, a sponge for ideas, a sports nut, stands out from the crowd, social, strong-willed, studious, supportive.

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