EJune english literature, in Extended Essay. I'm doing my Extended essay in English literature and I could use some help with english literature research question. I find it really hard extended essay ib english literature decide which books I english literature going to use and what kind of elements should I analyze, as there are so many great /writing-good-term-paper-paper.html and I don't want to do about something that's already been done a hundred times before.
I was thinking about extended essay ib english literature up a couple of English classics but I don't want anything too common like Jane Austen besides I don't even like them very much, no offence so I /diversity-in-organizations-essay-examples.html about taking W. Somerset Maugham's The Painted Veil as extended essay ib english literature of my books.
I was thinking then that my research question could have something to do with the theme of loneliness,I'm not completely sure yet though What do you think about The painted veil, would it make a good EE book and do you know any other good book I could compare with it in case I decide to take something related to loneliness as my research question?
I extended essay take Of Mice and Men as my click here book because we are reading it in English class.
Other research question proposals are appreciated as well Thank you! I haven't read The Painted Veil.
Maybe if you could find a book that showed a different side extended essay ib english literature loneliness I don't think I can recommend a book because I don't know what you've read and I haven't read your book. Luckily, loneliness isn't an uncommon thread in books.
Everyone's lonely, it seems. How they act upon english literature and how it shapes their decisions makes the tale interesting. Why can't you extended essay ib english literature English literature Mice and Men? Is your teacher restricting you?
As far as I know, IB is okay with it.
I mean I think exploring the theme of loneliness would extended essay a 'one-of-a-king' EE. But I'm not at all familiar with any of the books you mentioned, except for Austen, of course, which brings me to my doubt:.
Should I worry about my EE being based on a book that's been examined and english literature so many times?
Literature the whole, I think it'd be a good idea english literature go ahead extended essay the 'loneliness' theme! At the behest of my teacher I'm doing mine on two modern, little known novels - no sparknotes, extended essay ib english literature cliffnotes, no any-notes at all. It's pretty liberating for me I have no secondary sources, just the english literature, but it makes the essay that much more focused.
I would recommend you do something similar. Some good modern writers:.
The idea of picking english literature a book with a extended essay kind of loneliness sounds good, I was actually thinking english too Work hard party harder: You need to be a member literature order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community.
Already have an account? We have placed cookies on your device to english make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settingsotherwise we'll assume you're okay to read article. EE in English literature Extended essay ib english literature Miss.
Extended Essay materials will be made available on this site on an on-going basis throughout the school year. Simply click on a link underlined to access the materials.
The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,word paper. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for the extended essay , find examples of extended essay titles from previous DP students and learn about the world studies extended essay.
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