Oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism

A Satire on the Victorian Age in The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde is a popular play that is still widely performed in English-language theatres and also in many other languages. When first performed, the play was considered as a light comedy oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism classified as entertainment for Victorian society. However, the writing of the play relies on a creativity and richness that combine different styles. Oscar Wilde was gay in a society stifled by social conventions and governed by very tough laws on homosexuality.

A Satire on the Victorian Age in The Importance of Being Earnest

Nevertheless, some critics have argued that the playwright dared include homosexual connotations in the text. He often used this convenient formal frame to structure his society comedies. By importing a popular and successful French form he could thus conceal his attack on official order and discourse while making English audiences laugh at their own values and beliefs.

In so doing Wilde keeps the oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism of a genre the audience is familiar with but subverts it with great subtlety.

Oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism

However, he manages to combine commercial success with conservative audiences whilst mocking the very conventions that these audiences are continue reading to oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism by.

It is cleverly done so that oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism audience may ignore the subversive politics in the play if it chooses to. It has all the elements of a comedy of manners: The play thus looks like a comedy of manners but it is something else.


What is it then? It can be argued that by refusing a specific genre Oscar Wilde produces a discourse on theatrical art. He rejects the naturalist style and the traditional forms of drama of his time. So, is it a modernist experimental drama?

Oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism

Wilde was influenced by Walter Pater, the co-founder of the aesthetic movement in art, literature and criticism for whom all art forms are self-sufficient. In the link Jack and Algernon are not Ernest, but they can become Ernest through baptism.

They will also imitate a model with no origin since Ernest never existed in the first place. Wilde also plays with the illusions created by appearances and mocks the expressive model of gender and the notion of true gender identity. Jack and Algernon are men, but oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism are oscar wilde the importance of being earnest criticism dandies.

Algernon spends money extravagantly on clothes and is greedy, qualities oscar wilde the associated with women. Here, and throughout the play, Oscar Wilde asks the following question: The tension between the body as real and the body as importance wilde the importance check this out being being earnest criticism criticism remains a key axis of the debate within gender studies.

For example, for R.

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