Home Daily News Retractions are a scientist's worst nightmare. In the last 10 years, at least scientific papers have been pulled from the literature, according to a study linkurl: Here are 10 of the biggest retraction stories stem cell research papers retracted the last year.
Highly cited retractions Image: Wikimedia commons, Tttrung 5. /good-phd-statement-of-purpose.html mechanism of estrogen signaling stem cell research that wasn't citations Two papers retracted on the stem cell research papers retracted of estrogen signaling linkurl: The papers, published in linkurl: Molecular and Cellular Biology ,;http: The researcher, Suresh Radhakrishnan, did not admit to the misconduct, and subsequently linkurl: The retracted publications accrued at least citations.
I papers retracted a Rhodes Scholar Last month, the Journal of Clinical Oncology pulled linkurl: Stem cells turn cancerous?
A Cancer Research stem cell research papers retracted The actual finding may still be valid, however, as several other studies have found similar results, linkurl: There is no autism-vaccine link. We repeat, there is no autism-vaccine link citations In February, linkurl: Based on a sample of 12 children, the authors claimed to have found a link between autism and the widely used MMR measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Ten of the paper's 13 authors had already acknowledged some of the stem cell research papers retracted with the paper, publishing a "retraction of an interpretation" in The paper was cited times.
Most notable retractors 5.
Researchers retract reactome A powerful new tool known as linkurl: But not long after its linkurl: Though it has many supporters, including linkurl: It was cited 18 times in its short tenure in the literature. A whoops from gene therapy expert As a result of data irregularities and duplicated figures, papers retracted papers by notable gene stem cell research papers retracted researcher Savio Woo of The Mount Sinai Article source Center were retracted this year, including two that claimed to stem cell research papers retracted found potential breakthroughs -- even a possible cure -- for high-mortality diseases such papers retracted pancreatic cancer, linkurl: Journal of the National Cancer Institute ;http: Human Stem cell research Therapy ,;http: Cognition expert takes hard look at his data Well-known psychologist and author of the book "Moral Minds" Marc Hauser is taking a year of leave from his position at Harvard University after an internal investigation found linkurl: Rising stem cell star stumbles Amy Wagers, a stem cell biologist at the Joslin Diabetes Center and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, stem cell research papers retracted health essay hindi stem papers retracted research papers retracted A second paper, linkurl: Wagers, a Howard Hughes Medical Investigator, was dubbed a linkurl: While a postdoc in Irving Weissman's lab, she earned a reputation for putting other people's findings to the test.
She is the author of a series of highly cited papers in the stem cell field, including a Science paper cited times, a Nature paper cited times, and a Cell paper stem cell research stem cell research papers retracted retracted times.
The retractions, a linkurl: The three retracted papers have been cited times. More retractions from Nobelist;http: Top 10 Retractions of
The findings of the investigation , which were announced in January, found that Yamamizu, who worked at the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application CiRA , was the only person responsible for the manipulation. As CiRA Director, I have received a penalty from the university for my poor supervision of research integrity.
Piero Anversa be retracted by medical journals. The medical school and the hospital did not name the journals where the work appeared. Anversa directed a lab at the Brigham from through , but he previously gained prominence as a stem-cell researcher at New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.
Cardiologist Piero Anversa had claimed to have found stem cells in the heart that could regenerate cardiac muscle, but in Harvard revealed it was investigating Anversa after one of his papers was retracted. His lab shuttered the following year, and he no longer works at the hospital.
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