The National Human Rights Commission is responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights in India.
The Protection of Human Essay on national human rights commission india Act, states that the commission is the protector of "rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants".
NHRC comprises of a chairman and four members. The chairman should essay on national human rights commission india a retired chief justice of India.
human rights The other members should be. President appoints the chairperson and members of the NHRC on essay national recommendation of a six member committee consisting of. However, commission india commission has its own staff to investigate into complaints of human rights violations. It is also empowered to utilize the services of any officer or investigating agency of the central government or any state government for the purpose.
The commission also cooperates with various NGOs for the information regarding human rights essay on national human india commission india. It may click here to the concerned government or authority to human rights commission payment of compensation or damages to the victim; essay essay national in hindi language. It may recommend to the concerned government or authority the initiation of proceedings for prosecution or any action against the guilty public servant; 3.
It may recommend to the concerned government or authority for the grant of immediate interim relief to the victim; 4. It may approach to the Supreme Court or india high court concerned for the necessary directions, orders or writs.
In order to make NHRC more effective, its powers could essay on national human rights commission india increased in various ways to increase its effectiveness and efficiency in delivering justice to the victims. The commission should be empowered to provide interim and immediate relief including monetary relief to the victim. Essay on national human rights commission india addition, the commission should be empowered to punish the violators essay on national human rights commission india the human rights, which may act as deterrent to such acts in the future.
The interference of the government and other authorities in the working of commission should be minimum, as it may influence the working of commission. Therefore, the NHRC should be given power to investigate into essay on national human rights commission india cases related to human rights violation by the members of the armed forces.
The effort to improve the promotion and protection of human rights in India pre-dates the establishment of the NHRC. Now is a good time to examine not only the functioning and effectiveness of the NHRC and the SHRCs but also to identify the central challenges relating to human rights in the future and work towards tackling them.
A human rights cell was also created in the home ministry. States have been advised to set-up human rights cells or Commissions to monitor and follow-up cases of alleged human rights violations by the law enforcement agencies. The President of India promulgated an ordinance to this effect in
The UDHR urges member nations to promote a number of human, civil, economic and social rights. The adoption of the Universal Declaration is a significant international commemoration marked each year on 10 December, and is known as Human Rights Da y or International Human Rights Day.
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