In Lolitathe corruption of America merely provides a convenient cover-up for Humbert Humbert's personal perversion. There research paper thesis worksheet many similarities and differences between the characters of Humbert Humbert research paper thesis worksheet Clare Quilty. By examining these similarities and differences, several important ideas can be seen.
Both characters are obsessive and paranoid, but Quilty is more successful than Humbert. Throughout history, men have written about lusting after women. He has always been attracted to nymphets due to research paper thesis worksheet traumatic experience with his first love, Annabel, when he was young himself.
After Lolita's mother dies, he has her all to himself, and they take two research paper thesis worksheet across the country, staying in motels and sightseeing. In the end, he is deceived by Lolita, who runs away with Quilty and later gets pregnant and marries someone else.
This demonstrates how love is always doomed to failure, since his possession of her was research paper thesis worksheet an illusion. Regardless of whether we agree go here Thesis worksheet, reducing Lolita to a discussion of moral issues misses the point. Lolita is a work of fiction and must be treated as such. The first few pages of the research paper thesis worksheet establish this point beyond the shadow of a doubt by alluding to such literary predecessors as Poe, Merimee, Dante, Proust, and Keats.
Without understanding these allusions, the novel itself cannot be understood.
Is Lolita a love story? Research paper thesis worksheet this research paper thesis worksheet in the affirmative requires a redefinition of the term "love.
Lolita's suffering, both research paper thesis worksheet and physical, is apparent throughout the novel. And yet Humbert's obsession with her goes beyond mere lust or passion.
He is both tender and constant in his affections. As a close examination of the end of the novel will show, Humbert Humbert is research paper thesis worksheet lover as well as a rapist.
Skip to main content. Research paper thesis worksheet cannot argue that "No love thesis worksheet of the twentieth century compares in intensity to Nabokov's Lolita " in four pages.
However, a paper of that length probably could effectively assert that "The novel Lolita blurs the line between tenderness and violence. Throughout history, men have written about lusting after women; Lolita is no exception.
Morality is not the issue in Lolita ; artistry is. research paper thesis worksheet
Lolita is a novel about Thesis worksheet. Lolita is a novel about the corruption of America. Lolita is an interesting novel, although the narrator, Humbert Humbert, is evil. Love is dead in the twentieth century research paper.
Introduction Guidelines Your introduction research paper You don't have to give all your ideas thesis worksheet right at the beginning -- thesis worksheet fact, it's research paper thesis worksheet more effective to save your conclusive point till the end -- but you continue reading, at the very least, sketch the parameters of the question.
What is it you plan to argue or prove in the paper? Say what your research paper is thesis worksheet what steps you're going to take to prove it. This does thesis worksheet have to be from thesis worksheet text on which you are writing.
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