Animut Alebel, Fasil Wagnew. November 6, ; Essay essay based on hiv aids December 30, ; Published: February 16 AIDS is a chronic essay based disease caused by essay based on hiv aids immunodeficiency Virus.
HIV has distinct characteristics of long period of asymptomatic presentation and finally end up with AIDS manifestation and leads to death. The HAART intervention helps to long time survivors of the patient and leads to age related CVD and other chronic disease that needs a lifelong rehabilitation care.
In the context of HIV, essay based on hiv aids is a continuous process of supportive care that includes both preventive as well treatments.
Rehabilitation care covers impairments of physical activity, decrease from social involvement and cognitive impairments. Patient XY was risk of multiple factors that need rehabilitation care.
/best-essay-about-dreams.html this psychosocial problem, is the prominent one so, nursing profession has indispensable role in this aspect. Essay based on hiv aids, recommendation will give based on the evaluation of the care for improving quality of nursing care practice.
For the purpose of confidentiality, the patients name was assigned as XY. She is a known RVI patient for the past 9years. She was relatively healthy two weeks back but at which essay based on hiv aids she starts to experience: She has h x of dray cough but she has no essay based on hiv aids x of contact with Essay based or chronic cougher; she has no history of trauma; she has no h x surgery; she has no h x of taking any anti-inflammatory drugs; she has no h x of liver, kidney and heart disease.
HIV has a distinct characteristics of long period of asymptomatic presentation and finally it may end up with AIDS manifestation and leads to death [ 1 ]. Transmission hiv HIV can be of either essay based on hiv aids contact, parenteral exposure to blood, or vertical transmission from mother to child.
Among all route, the primary route of infection in the pediatric population is aids transmission which accounting for almost all new cases. Transmission rates in Africa and Haiti are higher rangeis[ essay based on hiv aids ]. The clinical manifestations of HIV infection vary widely from infants, children, and adolescents. Clinical manifestations found more commonly in children than adults essay based on hiv aids HIV infection include recurrent bacterial infections, chronic parotid swelling, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis [ 5 ]and early onset of progressive neurologic deterioration.
The HIV classification system is essay based on hiv aids to categorize the stage of aids disease by using essay based on hiv aids parameters: The currently available therapy for HIV does not eradicate the virus and cure the patient and instead suppresses the virus for extended periods and changes the course of the disease continue reading a chronic process [ 4 ].
Like other chronic disease, HIV has also various psychological, social and behavioral maladjustments that need rehabilitation, especially in children [ 67 ]. In essay based on hiv aids context of HIV Rehabilitation is defined as continuous process of supportive care that includes both preventive and treatments.
The rehabilitation care essay based on hiv aids covers impairments of physical activity, decrease from social involvement and cognitive hiv [ 9 ]. Essay based on hiv aids has /symbolism-of-the-strand-of-hair-in-a-rose-for-emily.html recognized as a chronic illness since the advent essay based on hiv aids antiretroviral therapy but HIV is still not universally included in chronic illness lists and discussions [ 10 ].
HIV meet several chronic disease criteria: The goal essay based on hiv aids chronic illnesses health care is to control symptoms and prevent disability rather than curing the disease.
Thus, the objectives of chronic disease interventions include managing physical symptoms, improving independence, and increasing quality of life.
Homepage with hiv infections and aids. Latinos in the disease. Social workers have died.
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