I rom help expect the rom to play perfectly but not this bad Can Anyone Help? Last paper mario mario rom help by Virgil Paper mario rom help 10th August at Are you using any cheats?
Cheating with the paper mario rom has been known to cause some issues. If you are, turn them off and try reloading from paper mario rom help native save. Also, follow the directions listed here to see if you have a good rom.
It is possible that you have a bad one. Paper mario rom help Posted by Virgil X. This is an easy fix. Use the cheats wisely and second of all use rise's plugin.
Rom help can't tell you which settings to use in there but if you fiddle around with it after a while it will clear rom help game up. If you have any other questions just ask. I help what you are talking about when you say that it freezes at the paper mario up screen. You are trying to put infinite health on and probably some others too and putting on the quick level up cheat on as help.
Just use quick level up if your going to cheat so when you max out your paper mario rom then put on infinite health. For the settings used by Rice's plug-in with this game these are paper mario rom help ones I deemed to work best when I tested in All times are GMT. The time now is Contact Rom help - Archive - Top. Virgil X Junior Member. Send a private see more to Virgil X.
Find all posts by Virgil X. Send paper mario rom help private message to HatCat. Find all posts by HatCat. Send a private message click the following article Emmett. Find all posts by Emmett.
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Paper Mario Project64 graphical problems. I'm running Paper Mario on the emulator "Project64" and I'm having several small graphical problems screen glitching when entering combat, excessive screen flickering during movement, invisible stars etc. HiddenAmadeus , Dec 15,
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