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Using the same step-by-step guidance that made Writing Research Papers 11e the definitive research paper guide, this text will enable students in the social science disciplines and in some freshman composition classes to create research papers that advance or defend a theory, offer a review of research methodology, or create a paper from their own empirical research using the APA style. Writing Research Papers in the Social Sciences provides sample papers demonstrating the rules of documentation as well as the writing style for the social sciences while detailing the uses of new computer technologies students are using today.
Using the same step-by-step guidance that made Writing Research Papers 11e the definitive research paper guide, this text will enable students in the social science disciplines and in some freshman composition classes to create research papers that advance or defend a theory, offer a review of research methodology, or create a paper from their own empirical research using the APA style. Writing Research Papers in the Social Sciences provides sample papers demonstrating the rules of documentation as well as the writing style for the social sciences while detailing the uses of new computer technologies students are using today. Step-by-step instruction in a clear, non-intimidating writing style, takes the reader from the selection and narrowing of a topic, through research, note taking, planning, drafting, and revising.
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