Lord of the flies discussion questions and answers

Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Lord of the flies discussion questions and answers of the Flies: Talk about the differences between the two main antagonists, Ralph and Jack. How are they different from one another, and what broad "types" of individuals do they represent?

In what way can Piggy with his eye glasses be seen as representing the rational, scientific aspects of society?

Lord of the flies discussion questions and answers

What does the beast represent? How is it used by Jack to control the others? Why do the littleuns choose to follow Jack and the hunters rather than Ralph? Is it because they feel safer with Jack's group, believing that Jack can protect them? Or do they enjoy what the hunters do?

What do you feel Golding's vision of humanity is? Do you think he believes we born with an instinct for peace and cooperation Does his vision accord with your own? What do you think about the rules of civilization? Do they free us and enable us to rise to our best selves?

Lord of the Flies - Discussion Questions

Or do the rules constrain our bad nature that lie flies discussion questions the heart of ourselves? What does hunting mean to Jack What happens to his mental state after he kills his first pig?

What is ironic about the lord of the flies and answers questions and answers officer who arrives to "rescue" the boys? Lord the does Learn more here feel about returning to the safety of lord of the flies discussion questions and answers Why does he weep—is it relief, or something else?

Lord of the flies discussion questions and answers

In what way does his book reflect the particular world politics of his time? Does the book have relevance today? Please feel free lord of the flies discussion questions and answers use them, online or off, with attribution.

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