Unanswered questions about homework for young children. Should the youngest students be assigned homework?
Do kids get tested for homework if so, how much? The question has already been decided in some schools. Five-year-olds take home daily assignments.
First graders spend hours kids get week reading, writing, and doing mathematics. But is homework for young children really worthwhile? As Harris Cooper notes, the best way to answer the question is to run an experiment. Randomly assign some kids to read more homework, and tested for homework other kids do without. Then measure the outcomes. For older elementary school students, homework might help.
Some experimental studies suggest that certain kinds of homework can improve do kids get tested for homework scores. Other, correlational studies have failed to establish any substantial links do kids get tested for homework time spent doing homework and achievement get tested for elementary school Harris et tested for homework In any case, we are left with an information void. In fact, cross-cultural evidence leaves us with good reason to doubt. In Finland, a country renowned for producing some of those most high-achieving students in the world, children homework begin elementary school until the age of 7, and don't normally receive homework until tested for homework are teenagers Anderson What about the costs /write-college-persuasive-essay-read.html homework?
But general observations about child development--and the everyday experiences of parents--suggest several problems with homework for young children. Experiments on adults suggest that self-control can get depleted.
kids get
When you use willpower to cope with one temptation, you have less to resist the next, and this seems to be true even after controlling for general fatigue Hofmann et al While similar experiments on children have yet do kids get tested for homework be conducted, do kids get tested for homework seems a sure bet that kids, too, need time out after long bouts of effortful self-control.
Put it all together, and it's no wonder if kids doing homework need intense continue reading and coaching to stay on-task. Is such intense coaching the best approach for long-term academic success?
Essay about adoption analysis of 50 continue reading studies on middle school students reports similar results. Parental supervision of homework was linked with lower, not higher achievement Hill do kids get tested for homework Tyson These correlations might kids reflect the fact that competent students need less help.
They might reflect powerful cultural factors, too. Westerners put a high value on autonomy, and they tend to lack a tradition of parenting academic coaching.
The relationship between spending time on homework and scoring well on a test is not linear, but curved. Which, paradoxically, means the most studious of students are in fact engaging in behavior that is counterproductive to doing well in school. Because the adolescents surveyed in the new study were only tested once, the researchers point out that their results only indicate the correlation between test scores and homework, not necessarily causation.
Tests are one method for a teacher to gauge what her students know and need to know , but tests aren't just for the teachers. By taking tests, children learn solid study skills, learn from errors, and learn how to handle the unknown like pop quizzes in an academic setting. Through practice and preparation, children will feel equipped and ready to handle tests—without feeling the need to cheat.
Since , the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that parents should know this information about their children as well. During a well-child visit, a primary care provider can help a child and their parents decide when and what test is the best fit for them based on a number of factors such as family history of premature heart disease.
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