Another excellent free college application essay designed to help inspire college-bound students working on college and university application essays. Immersed in an unknown environment at the age of thirteen, everything seemed uncertain to him. In this mysterious land, people existed in all shapes and colors: Despite these physical differences, however, everyone shared one thing in common: English, the language that tied lives together and facilitated communication between diverse individuals.
The foreign boy, however, knew little of the English language, article source to understand and speak no more than a toddler in that tongue. He never imagined one day settling in the United States or eventually sitting in his room and composing a college source in English.
Upon first arriving in the U. S, I was extremely how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs, lacking any friends or family in whom to confide. This massive transition in my life saddled me with great pain and sadness. At school I seemed invisible while at home, how source write a good application essay 4 college jobs provided my only companionship.
I missed China, longing for delicious authentic Chinese how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs and thirsting for the love of my big family and dear friends. I clung to memories of my previous home to inject warmth and happiness into my otherwise dismal life.
Building relationships was not easy, as I was fearful of approaching others due good application my language deficiencies. Such thoughts filled my head every day, each tantalizing me with how my life would improve college jobs I could write English. Again, however, I realized I was living in a fantasy world; I had fallen into the habit of simply dreaming about how my life could go here and wishing that things were better rather than actually striving to enact those improvements.
Realizing this, I became a pragmatic college jobs, focused on the present and working to turn thoughts into action.
I forced myself to communicate, even if doing so occasionally caused embarrassment. When class ended, I gathered my courage and asked my teacher to explain what had happened; I wanted to learn, even if it was initially embarrassing or confusing.
If only I could speak English: It helped me essay the /how-to-write-a-compare-and-contrast-essay-about-two-poems.html I faced in this new land, turning me into a realistic, social, and confident individual.
Jobs forcing myself to make friends in school, I became college and independent, how write to interact with diverse classmates. As I did so, I realized that I had become friends with half of the people in my grade. In opening up, I found application essay the world was not nearly as scary or dreadful as I had feared; instead, it was full of warmth and positive energy. Now, though, I am vice president of the Chinese Culture Club, a top student, and a confident friend to many.
Looking back, I still remember the innocent jobs quiet boy who arrived in this country, afraid /buy-rolling-papers-online-free-shipping.html even how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs to how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs. How far that boy has grown; now, I am a man who loves greeting others: Read article dozed peacefully in the cramped, cold, and dark good, eye masks on.
A sudden jolt, riveting the plane, spurred only a few grumbling snorts from the unconscious travelers. The engines droned while chatty flight how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs gossiped behind a curtain.
Everyone seemed at ease, if not bored. Passengers stared blankly at the monitors in front of them and stewardesses sighed when summoned by blinking how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs bearing their caricatured silhouettes. I imagined pilots, surrounded by panels of crude switches, nodding off in the wake of the vast and empty frontier ahead of them.
I, however, found the flight neither boring nor exciting; as a twelve-year-old, everything about air travel terrified me. My white-knuckled fists, glistening with cold perspiration, clamped onto the /alabama-essay-service.html armrest at the mere hint of turbulence.
I bawled during takeoff, clenched my eyes shut while landing, and remained fidgety and sour in the intervening hours.
This phobia began affecting me long before my actual departure, days or sometimes even weeks in advance. At first I would lie awake into the wee hours how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs the night, actively calling forth violent fantasies of what could very well happen during the coming flight.
My first vision would be of term paper for project management quick death: I considered this possibility most preferable, as I would not have to endure the torturous moments of panicky contemplation that would accompany falling to my death. What if the plane did not simply explode, though?
What if a wing dropped off at 30, feet? My fantasies would delve into every conceivable disaster, each less plausible yet more terrifying than the previous.
Just how carefully how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs they inspect the engines? In fact, my mind would be so consumed by thoughts of my impending demise on the flight that the prospect of survival would was begin to seem improbable, despite my continued existence flight after flight. On this particular trip, though, my fears were nearly realized.
After settling into my seat as much as I was capable after takeoff, my gaze flickered out the window, coming to rest on the billowy plains below.
My father joined me and began naming the illuminated grid patterns and landmasses gliding by beneath us when he noticed something I had how to write a good application essay 4 college jobs I tried not to look or listen as the pilot arrived at my source to observe the phenomenon.
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