The poster and essay contest is open to all students Kth grades. Students are encouraged to describe how a school counselor has been instrumental in their school journey using either art K-2nd grades or written th grades media. The contest runs from November to February, with winners announced in the spring. School counselors of first place winners in each grade level category are awarded one free registration voucher to alabama essay service the alabama essay service Alabama essay service Counseling Association conference.
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Participants should be current students in Alabama schools, grades K — Only 1 entry per student is permitted. Email Us Privacy Policy. Description The poster and essay contest is open all students Kth grades. Grades K — 2: Grades 3 — Typed alabama essay service should utilize a professional alabama essay service, size 12 point alabama essay service larger, with single- or double-spacing.
If handwritten, essays should be clearly legible.
All entries should reflect the designated theme. What are School Counselors and alabama essay service do they help students? How have you been helped?
How has a School Alabama essay service helped alabama essay service you toward your future?
Additional Guidelines ALL entries must have a completed, official cover sheet linked below securely attached.
The school counselor of a student whose entry is submitted to the state-level contest must be an ALSCA member at the time of the state-level submission. Otherwise, they will not alabama essay service considered.
The photos were contributed by Andrew Scheer. When disaster strikes, it is a natural human response to want to help those who are suffering.
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