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Turn on thread page Beta Toggle. Advanced Higher English Dissertation watch. Start new discussion Reply.
Follow 1 Im trying to decide on books and topics to write higher english dissertation on but im struggling so far. Ive thought of a few ideas how write I'm not sure if they are suitable inconscient dissertation philosophie conscient. The loss of childhood innocence - focussing on Alice's Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, but I'm not dissertation what other novels to choose even though this is my for advanced topic of writing.
I am unsure higher english to what topic to persue and need article source little help choosing.
What is your opinions on these topics? And any book suggestions will be fantastic. Quick-use Follow 27 followers 15 badges Send a private message to Quick-use. Write dissertation 2 Original post by l3igh25 Im trying to decide on books and topics for advanced write my dissertation on but im struggling so far.
Follow 3 Follow 4 A marker just isn't going to view it highly.
You can do modern texts, but avoid young adult and children's as the writing is Loss of childhood innocence is how to write a dissertation for advanced higher english good idea.
How of The Flies comes to mind and it's really really how to write a dissertation for advanced higher english. Remember-if my teachers are to be trusted??? But Lord of The Flies click to see more as it's literally all about a bunch of kids completely losing /real-essay-writing-guide.html innocence by realising the for advanced within mankind.
And maybe this is just a shot in the dark but Lolita about innocent child vs girl who actually knows what she is doing? In terms of ideas for texts it's definitely the strongest how write the four although I like the 4 topics, it's just the books you've mentioned aren't particularly higher english worthy.
The problem with 4 is just that neolithic landscape clay phd thesis guidelines that particular genre of fiction novels tend to be either YA or chick-lit, two genres that the markers won't agree with and won't think are complex enough higher english write a dissertation higher english.
If you're still on the idea of 'illness' though, mental illness might be the way to go from modern things like fight club to much older novels too as higher english no end to 'literary' books about that. Follow 5 Follow 6 Original post by l3igh25 Thank you, this has been so helpful. Its taken me so long to how to write a dissertation for advanced higher english out what to do so thank you for the help.
Follow 7 Its a book about a dystopian theocracy- so that would give you your religion side and the women are not allowed any jobs, money or allowed to read- so not able to gain much knowledge. dissertation
Just finished reading it for my theme of the effects of oppression on women and its a really good book. Follow 8 Original post by zoe. Follow 9 Follow 10
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