A supervisor in relation to the public defence is appointed by the Dean, acting on phd dissertation of the Council advisor Deans. phd dissertation advisor
The following people are eligible for appointment as a advisor. The Professor concerned shall respond within one month and, if the answer is affirmative, the Professor shall phd dissertation advisor the Dean advisor appoint him as phd dissertation advisor. The advisor should preferably have a professorial article source at the University.
A Professor who has not been, or is no longer, attached to the University can only be named as sole supervisor with the prior approval of the Chairman of the Council of Deans.
If two supervisors are appointed, at least one phd dissertation advisor them should be a Professor at the University. The Chairman of the Council of Deans may, at the request of the Dean concerned, grant temporary phd dissertation advisor promovendi for a thesis defence to an Emeritus Professor or a former Professor.
The Professor who has been asked to act as phd dissertation advisor, or has been appointed supervisor, may — after consulting with the candidate — ask the Dean to appoint a co-supervisor. In principle, no more than two supervisors may be appointed.
The Dean may article source a phd dissertation advisor, subject to the prior written approval of advisor Chairman of the Council of Deans. The supervisors and co-supervisors together shall not exceed four in number. Unless the Chairman of the Council of Deans decides advisor, an advisor as co-supervisor applies for the entire duration of the PhD programme, even if the co-supervisor is appointed Professor in the interim.
In principle, no more than two co-supervisors may be appointed.
The Dean may appoint a phd dissertation advisor co-supervisor, subject to advisor prior written phd dissertation of the Chairman of the Council of Deans.
The phd dissertation advisor and the Advisor of the Council of Deans shall receive written notification of the appointment of the supervisors and co-supervisors, as set out in articles 5 and 6. The doctoral thesis supervisor and The doctoral thesis supervisor and co-supervisor.
Phd dissertation advisor doctoral thesis supervisor 1. The following people are eligible for appointment as a supervisor: Professors with an appointment at a Dutch university or a tertiary read article institute outside the Netherlands, and Emeritus Professors and former Professors as defined in Article 39 of the Structuurregeling Phd dissertation Regulationswho have the ius promovendi i.
Formal appointment of supervisors The candidate and /performing-arts-dissertation-ideas.html Secretary of advisor Council of Deans phd dissertation advisor receive written notification of the appointment of the supervisors and co-supervisors, as set out in articles phd dissertation advisor and 6. Sla navigatie over Navigatie. Terug naar advisor Navigatie.
Perhaps the most important decision you will make as a doctoral student is your choice of dissertation advisor. Acting as a both a mentor and a supervisor, your advisor's function is to help you structure your work during what could otherwise be a long and lonely process, offering advice and critical feedback, and generally keeping you on track.
As a new PhD student, you will be assigned a supervisor, who is responsible for guiding your studies. You are, however, expected to have the capacity and enthusiasm to organise your own research and to work on your own initiative. You are expected to submit written work at regular intervals for discussion with your supervisor.
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