Doctoral dissertations and master's theses are possibly the most sought after type of material among students. UMI maintains a central, hku hku dissertation search search dissertation database, hku dissertation search 1.
The Digital Dissertation Consortium database currently contains over 61, UMI digital dissertations, and each member contributes to the growth of the database by purchasing about hku dissertation search a year. The consortium now consists of about 90 members from Taiwan and Hong Kongwhich is almost double the original number of members in It covers a range of subject areas including the hku dissertation search, engineering, medicine, law and political sciences, education, and the arts and humanities.
CDMD gives HKU users instant desktop access to more thandoctoral and 60, master's dissertations accepted since at hku dissertation search universities in China. Over 28, dissertations are added each year. Dissertations and theses are extremely hku dissertation search resources that are please click for source available through popular distribution channels — travel to national and university libraries is often the only way to access them.
Go to Digital Dissertation Consortium.
Get hku dissertation search information about Digital Dissertation Consortium. Get more information about CDMD.
Dissertations and Theses Doctoral dissertations and master's theses are possibly the most sought after type of material among students. HKU Hku dissertation search Digital Dissertation Consortium search screen click to enlarge The Digital Dissertation Consortium hku dissertation search currently contains over 61, UMI digital dissertations, and each member contributes to the growth hku dissertation search the hku dissertation search by purchasing about titles a year.
A page from the dissertation: Returned hku dissertation search Chinese architecture in Xiamen, ss. It contains a drawing of two famous collleges of Xiamen during Qing Hku dissertation search period click to enlarge.
Discovery - Top 10 By people 64 che, cm 44 chau, kw 40 lau, fcm 36 lam, th 36 leung, fcc 35 li, vok 34 lai, lwc 34 li, wk 33 chan, clw 33 huang, gq. HKU Organizations li ka shing faculty of medicine 63 faculty of social sciences 52 faculty of engineering 43 faculty of education 41 faculty of arts 39 faculty of science 35 school of public health 34 faculty of dentistry 29 department of surgery 20 department of electrical and elec Efficient neural machine translation.
The term ETD refers to a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation that is archived electronically. Increasingly, though, graduate students are experimenting with new software tools that enable them to incorporate streaming multimedia such as video files of interviews and communities. By preparing an ETD and submitting it electronically you learn about electronic document preparation and about digital libraries.
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