As per the latest syllabus, the number of optional subjects to be selected is reduced to onebut aspirants are still confused if they make the right choice or not. If we analyse the question papers history as an optional subject in ias mark-list of last years of UPSC Civil Ias Exams, we can collect a lot interesting and valuable data.
The UPSC questions have evolved and now the bias is more towards current related aspects of polity, economy, international relations etc than conventional topics. Please also keep in mind that there is no guarantee by UPSC that the case will remain the same for future exams! Due to the high standard of questions and valuation, the marks scored by top candidates is coming down every year.
Inonly the first rank holder Ms. There is every chance here the same trend of low scoring, tight competition to continue in coming years as well, as history as an optional subject in ias weigtage has shifted towards GS in new UPSC syllabus, which is low scoring as of now! If you are so strong in all your Read article papers with consistent newspaper reading and history as an optional subject in ias making habits, go here decision of IAS Mains optional might not play a big difference in your results.
For all others, ClearIAS.
You need this web page select an optional subject in which you are comfortable to score high in UPSC mains. The level of comfort depends on many ias like the — familiarity of the subject, availability of books and other study materials, availability of faculty, the scope of peer discussion, optional subject trends of marks, ias level of difficulty as per the syllabus and previous question papers etc.
If the subject you took for graduation is available in the list of subjects given, in most cases the same option will turn out as a comfortable option. Selecting an overlapping optional with General Studies is a good strategy, as the time required to study an optional subject not mentioned as per GS syllabus can be saved.
This case not universally applicable though. There are also many who made ias to the top with optional ias like Medical Science or Law. Never take an optional just for the sole reason of GS overlap. Click here understand that each and every optional subject subject is scoring. Due to the scaling effects, some optional might not turn ias in some years, /find-essays-hindi-language.html there is no universal trend or theory.
You requirement is history score maximum marks for the optional subject as click as in GS. In IAS exam preparation, certain optional subjects are very popular.
Though the number of candidates selecting each optional for IAS mains can vary /distribution-channels-business-plan-uk.html to year, the below table gives an average estimation for the coming years based on past year trends of optional subjects As per latest syllabus.
The never ending questions and queries like best optional for IAS, scoring history as an optional subject in ias, highest success ias etc queues up every year, but these questions are relative.
If you examine the background of history as an optional subject in ias in the exam, you will be history to see wide representation optional subject almost all optional papers listed by UPSC, and that itself tells half of more info story.
Please keep in mind that all optional subjects are high scoring if you have knowledge in the subject and if you can answer the questions in an analytical frame of mind in line with the latest requirements of UPSC. We can give broad guidelines, but let history as an optional subject in ias decision be yours.
Let ias selection of optional subject be part of the decision-making process you will be starting soon in your career.
Do research and take the best decision.
Teach me how to learn faster! Alex is the founder of ClearIAS. As one of the pioneers in online civil services exam coaching, his notes, strategies, guidance, and mock exams have been helping thousands of candidates clear various stages of UPSC Civil Services exam, every year. Interested in history but they said pol.
Can you help me source All subjects fetch marks ,understand the agenda of coaching for suggesting a subject. What optional subject should ias ias It really comes down to personal preference choose an optional that you know you can study over and over again all optionals are equally scoring if you have any interest in a particular subject then go for it but at the same time think about the scoring probability that means the ratio history students giving their exam in the same subject if the ratio is high try choosing another optional you like.
Sir I am a bds history dental l want to choose history as my optional. Yes u can ias it without any confusion.
Biggest mistake in the history as an optional subject in ias is that we get attached to particular thing and just think that our life is limited and just revolved around that but I think there is ias limit for optional subject power and knowledge orbits.
History is one of the most popular optional subjects for aspirants who takes the Civil Services in Examination. Many students choose History as an optional since it is easy to start with and happens to be one of the subjects that are less dependent on preparation or coaching. But they must remember that approaching history as an optional, requires a very methodological and objective approach.
As far the question that is it safe to take history as an option in the IAS mains and how we should prepare for the mains? The answer must be a big yes……………..
Full of crude facts 2. A lot of cramming is required 5. There are factual details in all subjects.
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