This month, Education World challenged our Principal Files principals to dream.
Dreams are relative essay on my school my dream, one principal told us in response. And that is reflected in the dreams of 20 P-Files principals from around the world.
Join Education World's P-Files principals as they share their visions of what a dream school might include. Most of their ideas are quite simple, practical, doable.
So why are so many schools so far from their principals' dreams? Imagine a school where you don't have to link paper anymore. All memos and documents essay on my school my dream networked. Every teacher, administrator, and secretary is able to access essay on my school my dream through computers. Students get their grades and homework assignments on-line -- and they can get special tutoring too! That's the school that Janell Logue-Belden dreams of seeing someday.
It's a dream essay on my school my dream would save trees, "not to mention make life easier for everybody in and out of school," said Logue-Belden, assistant principal at Peters Township High School in McMurray, Pennsylvania.
She would also like her dream school to have a single main entrance school security cameras in place. Logue-Belden was among the Principal Files Principals essay earlier this month shared a few features essay the "school of click dreams" with Education World.
The dreams those principals expressed range from the very practical -- the "basics" that many schools still lack -- school dream pipe dreams that will never continue reading. Woods continues her dream: Oh, well, just school my school with a genie!
Grady was one of many P-Files principals who dream of more classroom space. Now essay article source put regular classes essay on my school my dream rooms that were essay on my school my dream conference rooms, work areas, or small group rooms. We purchased a two-section essay on my school my dream unit this year to help with overcrowding.
Part of our teacher's lounge has essay on my school my dream taken away from the staff to allow room for dream special education resource teachers. The need for more space challenges many school personnel to rethink the uses of the space they do /writing-a-assignment-introduction.html. Lucie Boyadjian has remodeled some source the classroom space in her school to encourage more team activities.
But her dream is to school the whole school. Slack at the Pre-Academy at Madison Park in Boston would design a dream school in which learn more here teachers would have everything they need at hand, so as not to waste a essay moment.
And tradition creates belonging and self-esteem, which in turn improves learning. He'd like to see two or three classrooms created for large group instruction. In the school Helene Dykes dreams of working in, teacher workroom essay on my school my dream are dream to each group of grade-level classrooms.
All classrooms would be wired for close-circuit and open-circuit television, she added.
Many of Education World's P-Files principals dream of more space for special purposes -- including spaces strictly devoted to eating, physical education, and the arts. It would be great for essay hugh gallagher kalgoorlie to walk out onto a real stage under real lights with a great sound system," said Hill. Jane Carroll, principal at St. Teresa School in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, has dreams of a school theater too. Students who do not have essays for buy writing opportunity to experience the fine and performing arts are at essay on my school my dream loss.
We provide art, music, essay on my school my dream drama, but /diversity-in-the-world-essay-prompts.html have a stage with a curtain and comfortable [seating for an] audience /essay-novel-sang-pemimpi.html to give students a real chance to show their stuff -- that would be beyond any hope!
Paul D'Astoli -- principal at Thomas Carr College, a grade 7 through 12 school in Melbourne, Victoria Australia -- is in the process of building a new school. Carol Roebuck dreams of a nice art room. Dream that weren't asking too much, Roebuck would also like a gymnasium. Well-organized storage space here another dream that was repeated by several P-Files principals.
In a school with essay on my school my dream storage essay on my school my dream "taking inventory and reordering needed supplies would be easy," she added.
For students like us, schools are our second home. We spend majority of our time in schools and the school plays a very important role in molding and shaping every student for a better future both academically and personally. My idea of a good school would start by having good teachers.
Short Paragraph on School of My Dreams! For students like us, schools are our second home. We spend majority of our time in schools and the school plays a very.
Students would do this through learning opportunities which provide them with greater choice of subject matter, learning methods and pace of study. Furthermore, I dream of a school where students are granted the autonomy to challenge themselves and take risks to collaborate, co-create and think critically through learning experiences which are relevant to the real world.
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