Average dissertation maths mark

Average dissertation maths mark

Can't see the right topic? Check out the All Forums page. We have average dissertation maths mark brilliant team average dissertation maths mark more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out.

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Dissertation Grade - The Student Room

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You may not vote on this poll. Callipygian Follow 2 followers 2 badges Send a private message to Callipygian.

Average dissertation maths mark

Maths mark 1 I was talking to my average dissertation maths yesterday, and he says that they are more stingy with the grades they give dissertations. I'm interested in what the average mark grade is.

Average dissertation maths mark

Average dissertation maths mark would also be interesting to know if your dissertation grade was lower, higher, or more-or-less the same as your other marks. Follow 2 So you're asking what people received in their dissertation to find a TSR average - to clarify? This won't be particularly helpful to you but fair enough I will answer for a mate. Follow 3 Average dissertation maths mark 4 Original post by Callipygian Yeah, i cant find anything about it online.

Follow 5 I got 73 for mine which was about go here same as most of my other marks.

Maths mark 6 On my feedback see more my supervisor marked it as 1st class standard, yet my second marker marked click here as a 2.

Degree classification: when is a First not a First?

Personally I don't understand maths mark it can vary so wildly average dissertation maths mark there you go. Cyborgasm Follow 0 followers 2 badges Send a private message to Average dissertation maths mark. Follow 7 Follow 8 Original post by Cyborgasm No third average dissertation maths mark with such a discrepancy?!! Follow 9 Article source post average dissertation maths mark myblueheaven Nope it wasn't third marked!

Follow 10 Follow 11 Original post by Cyborgasm If it define essay service worries you then you could follow this line with the University, check your handbook to see average dissertation is says should have happened with this divergence of marks.

Out of interest was this a Russell Group University? Follow 12 I got an Mark for both my undergraduate and masters dissertations which was in line with what I usually got. Our grades weren't given as percentages. Follow 13 Follow 14 Mark 15 Original post by aeterno Average dissertation maths mark could've just clicked on 'View poll results' without having to vote

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