Health education has to create awareness in the community about the prevailing health problems.
It should also help the community to discover resources available for solving those problems. Then it should help him to plan a balanced diet out of the food materials that are available.
However, before planning a balanced diet one must have knowledge of the essential nutrients present in the different food items.
All this information essay imparted to the community through health education.
Health education also makes one aware of the causes of various diseases, the ways through which through which they spread makes the people /interesting-persuasive-essay-topics-for-middle-school.html of importance of good health and makes them realize essay on health for class 9 maintenance of good health health for class a problem requiring effort of all members of the community.
The simplest and most traditional definition of health is that health is the freedom from sickness and disease.
Good is health is necessary for a purposeful existence. A healthy individual is the one who has these characteristics essay on health for class 9 freedom of sickness and disease, freedom from unnecessary tension, freedom from social and psychological worries, self-confidence, ability to work efficiently with enthusiasm.
Good health can be achieved only through our efforts and proper health education. We can maintain a good health only if we are aware of various factors which affect our health. For example, if we essay on health for class 9 aware of importance of balanced diet we would plan our food carefully.
Similarly, if we are aware of how infections are spread through air, water, insects essay on health for class 9 health for class mechanisms, we would act accordingly so health for class we are protected from infections.
In order to impart basic health education to people, community health centres are set up with main functions such as to educate the people about health for class diseases; their causes, modes of their infection; methods of preventions, precautions and remedies, to ensure essay food an d water they use is clean and proper to use.
Keeping in mind the large population of our country it would be unrealistic to expect that a doctor or a health worker would reach each and every person and educate him about various health problems.
More and more volunteers, both man and woman, should be trained and educated about the continue reading issues affecting health.
They essay on health for class 9 further spread this knowledge in their own circles.
This type of complete involvement of the people in health education helps in tackling various problems concerning health through essay on health for class 9 as well as community initiative. If essay on health for class 9 people are aware of hazards of polluted water they more info take remedial measures themselves.
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If we are not healthy do not feel in the state of physical, mental and social well being , wealth means nothing to us. So, our health is a real wealth; we should always try to be healthy.
Good health is a boon. It is the real jewel of life, the most precious possession of man.
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