Essay writting is a tool to test MBA aspirant on essay cricket overall killing other and personality so it india also equally important and crucial component of MBA selection process. Essay April 05, April 05, Cricket Vs Other Games in India.
Cricket fever overshadowed our national sport Hockey. There is no question of any debate that cricket is killing other sports in sports country.
Indians eat, live, sleep, talk and walk cricket. Theoretically we all know that hockey is our killing other sports game but in practical vision its cricket maniac india over. Its a common sight that young children are playing perfect cricket with bat and ball in lanes, streets, gardens. A budding sports kid who is almost as tall as the bat he holds claims that some day he would be like "Tendulkar".
An equal exposure is not essay on cricket killing other sports in india to all sports in the country.
But essay on cricket killing other sports in india essay cricket happen with other sports players. Many budding players in sports like shooting, lifting, hockey etc. Scarcity of stadiums, playgrounds and poor sports system in schools colleges also pull down interest of people in other sports. They all play hard to bring pride and glory to click to see more country just as cricketers.
That sensational wave sound has now vanished from radio sets and stadiums. Other games like chess, tennis, and hockey are craving for true status as cricket game.
Cricket is not our national game, but it is celebrated as cricket killing festival. It has been used as a bridge between two nations. Players of international fame and caliber in other sports are not given essay proper media support and attention as well as proper facilities for further development. Media hype and money involvement in cricket game are the main culprits for cricket ruling the roost, to india detriment of other sports sports in India.
Paradoxically our click at this page is still struggling hard to form a good football team.
Day by bay Indian football is losing the little charm it had gained. Recently JCT club has decided to disband and fold off india team.
essay on cricket killing other sports in india It was not very shocking news as even Mahindra United decided to discontinue its football team last year.
Same happens with india national game hockey. India was a time when India did win the Hockey World Cup in and people showed a keen interest in the sport, but not so anymore.
The sport has died a natural death from lack of leadership and sponsorship.
If this cricket mania continues, India can never do well in the Olympics for years to come. Other sports have the full right to move up the pecking order. Please complete this form and click the Download button to gain essay on cricket killing other sports in india access.
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Cricket is one of the major sports in India. The game is widely followed in India after that. The role of other sports in the minds of the people began to slowly fade.
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YES, cricket is indeed killing other sports in India. Cricket is not our national game, but it is celebrated as a festival, thanks to our Board, Government, sponsors and the media. Cricket has also been used as a bridge between two nations, as seen in the recent India-Pakistan series.
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