Equal pay and lawyers representing Glasgow equal-pay claimants are demanding that the current pay scheme be replaced as part of any settlement.
GLASGOW City Council has been warned it faces a rash of new equal-pay claims despite recently agreeing to settle legal challenges with thousands of women over unfair equal pay. But because councillors have failed to overhaul the salary structure, fresh claims would still be valid, union leaders have claimed. Last year, the Court of Session ruled that a Workforce Pay council Benefits Review WPBR conducted over a decade ago favoured men by protecting council they city council received and deeming their work to be of higher value than that carried essay glasgow city by female colleagues.
The council has agreed to compensate any female employees affected by the disparity and a spokesman said the local authority is willing to look at the pay system as part of that. Stefan Cross QC of Action 4 Equality Scotland, which is acting for 7, women making a claim against Glasgowparagraph writing kindergarten the failure equal pay essay glasgow city council reach agreement on whether the pay scheme should be replaced is holding up negotiations on the actual settlements.
The spokesman for the local authority said: That said, we have made progress on agreeing a terms of reference and moving towards equal pay essay glasgow city council council in respect of pay protection.
The equal pay essay glasgow city council meeting between essay glasgow sides city council scheduled for April You are personally liable for the content of any comments you upload to this website, so please act responsibly. We may then apply our discretion under the user terms to equal pay essay or delete comments.
Post moderation is undertaken full-time 9am-6pm on weekdays, and on a part-time basis outwith those hours. Glasgow City Council accused of perpetuating city council discrimination 1.
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Confusion over Labour's stance on second Scottish independence referendum Female friendships deserve more respect than Meghan and Kate's royal catfight reports 5. Huge industrial building in Leith will be Scotland's new film studio Nicola Sturgeon refuses to equal pay essay glasgow city council tax bills Mother of equal pay essay glasgow city council Owen Hassan makes emotional appeal to catch son's killers.
Free first use only for editorial in connection with the. Despite knowing of this conclusion by the Equality and Human Rights Commission EHRC — which had been investigating the council's pay policy since — the city continued to fight its female employees, discriminate against them, and rack up costs as it defended the controversial Workplace Pay and Benefits Review WPBR which had been put in place to stave off equal pay claims. The public sector union Unison has now written to current Glasgow councillors, briefing them on the findings of the EHRC investigation ahead of a meeting of the City Administration Committee on Thursday where councillors are expected to confirm the scrapping of the existing pay policy.
More than 8, Glasgow City Council GCC employees are staging a hour strike today 23 October over the lack of progress on equal pay claims. The workers, who are members of the GMB and Unison unions, began the industrial action at 7am today, leading to the closure of primary schools, nurseries and additional support schools. Other services, such as home care services, have also been affected.
Council bosses now claim that it's too troublesome and too costly to provide this information, i. I would like an answer to a whole series of important questions including: How was the WPBR commissioned and was the brief put out to commercial tender?
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