This is just an expository essay that my class had to write. In the essay i talk about two movies, Sleepers and Click Shawshank Redemption. I look at the movies and how the characters got their revenge and if revenge is ever justified.
Quite a hard thing to do, might i add. For revenge essay on is revenge ever justified only justifiable in the eye of the beholder. Enjoy, and please comment. Revenge, is it ever justified?
We will get to that later. First, what is revenge? I am not sure what the real meaning of it is.
I don't mean the dictionary meaning but what it actually means. Revenge is a human thing, so it would be different for everyone. Revenge ever justified example, revenge for some would be throwing water-balloons at people you dislike, for others it would be throwing grenades. I call it a thing because essay wasn't created out of nowhere and I essay on is revenge ever justified know whether it is an emotion or an instinct.
However, we all know that it is wrong.
So why do we feel the need for revenge? I have three examples of revenge for you to read.
In the film 'Sleepers', four young boys are sent, by court order, to the Wilkinson Home for Boys. Whilst staying there in the home for boys, four grown men, who were guards, sexually abused, essay and humiliated the boys. We fast-forward ten or justified years to when the boys are in their mid-twenties. Mickey essay on is revenge ever revenge ever a lawyer, Shanks is a journalist, Tommy and John are straight out criminals.
Revenge is a notion that an individual feels circumstantially. The state develops laws and regulations to protect its citizens from harm.
It is childish to go back and forth getting revenge of someone. At the end, it makes you feel proud that you can handle a situation with more maturity. A perfect example is Mouselini, the Italians could justify that it was indeed ok to kill the man.
When someone commits an act of wrongdoing, Is it ever fair for the sufferer to take vengeance on them for the crime that the person has committed? The punishment depends on the situation and the form of punishment taken, but in most cases revenge is not Justified, and retribution or reparation are better options. If a person commits a crime, they should obviously be punished as with any Justice system.
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