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If dissertation publishing or parts dissertation publishing sites previously published material are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is a condition dissertation publishing sites publication that authors dissertation publishing sites the 'IJSER' the exclusive license to publish all articles, including abstracts. Papers will not be passed to the publisher for production sites the exclusive license to publish has been granted.
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Thesis Submission Authors need to fill the online thesis submission form to get the Thesis ID, Then author can directly mail to thesis ijser. All the authors need to specify "Thesis Dissertation publishing sites in subject line with thesis id.
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It requires a monumental amount of effort to put together the original research, citations, and sheer writing time to finish. Bluntly, finishing a thesis or dissertation is hard, and nobody can do it alone.
Transforming your dissertation into a publishable book can be a daunting task. While your book will reflect the same themes and arguments as your dissertation, major revisions are necessary to ensure that your manuscript is readable, compelling, and accessible to a wider audience than your dissertation committee. SciencePG can help you turn your rigid scholarly text into captivating prose that is not only publishable, but can be shared with and enjoyed by your colleagues, friends, and family.
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