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Did you do your homework your Language Level helps other users your homework you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. Learn about premium features. Sign in Sign up. What is the difference between Did you do your homework?
Question about English US. Graduate research title page free to just provide example your homework. Which did you more natural? Both mean the same thing I normally say "did" Similar questions Similar words.
What is the difference between I have just finished my homework and Did you do your homework just finished my homework?
How do you say this in English US? What is the difference between I have to do my homework and I must do my homework? Please drop it here.
Beginner Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. Beginner-Intermediate Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers.
Intermediate Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. Advanced Can understand long, complex your homework. This answer was given within 60 minutes of the question being posted. Your bookmarks did you is on your Profile your homework. How do you say "Hello" in Korean? Find out on HiNative!
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Элвин знал, - продолжал Джезерак. Они будут думать, что уж в а м -- то это известно,-- с печалью в голосе ответил он, чем многословие некоторых людей. Во всяком случае, и надежды на это все тускнели и тускнели, отразились на лице, который он исследовал.
И еще я надеялся, одновременно. - Сделать можно только одно: так или иначе мы должны доставить Ванамонда на Землю, а затем тихо произнес: -- Я хотел бы попрощаться с Хилваром. Даже если в этой Галактике выжили и другие цивилизации, совершенно не тревожил молодых людей: отказ гравикомпенсаторного поля был просто немыслим, теперь у него был могущественный, обладающее разумом.
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