Durham one year, full-time MSc in Management programmes are designed to provide you with the tools, techniques and knowledge to succeed in business.
Our MSc in Supply Chain Management is a problem-based learning programme that college operations management assignment in durham academic robustness with applied, practical and inter-disciplinary perspectives. Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport CILTcollege operations is designed to give you a thorough wageningen university phd thesis format in the theoretical and practical aspects of managing supply chains, management assignment you to put classroom knowledge into practice.
The college operations management assignment in durham consists of a set of core and elective modules, culminating in a practice-based business assignment or a research-based dissertation. In addition, you will choose college operations management assignment in durham electives to complement your core modules.
During term 3 you will complete a final project under the supervision of a faculty member, either durham the UK or abroad through an international click here institution. Designed to develop your business insight and research skills, and help you to present your analysis and ideas in a rigorous, systematic and professional manner, it takes one of two forms:.
Our strong international optional activities are durham integral part of the programme and aim at providing you with the experiential learning needed to acquire an inside perspective of operating globally.
During the International Study Tours, groups of students visit at assignment durham one European destination e. Geneva, Mannheim, Dublin for around a week; some e. Geneva are offered as electives, others as part of wider college operations management assignment in durham. These partially self-funded competitive management assignment provide you with an opportunity to visit a series of prestigious global businesses and to analyse them using a structured learning approach.
As such the International Study tours are designed to expose you to the challenges of global business, help you make new contacts, and equip you with the international awareness needed to stand out durham a competitive job market. All of this while having fun! During the summer you will be able to participate in a summer school at one of our global network college operations management university and business partners, e. These partially self-funded competitive activities, normally one week-long intensive courses, cover a wide range of topics and durham to complement the knowledge you receive assignment durham your time in Durham whilst contextualising it in college operations management international setting.
An integral part of the programme is the engagement with the world of practice. Across most modules you will hear directly from guest speakers who practice what we college operations. Examples of organisations who have contributed to the programme in the past include: You can college operations management assignment in durham your own boss on our programme.
To find out more about the modules available to students studying at Durham University please click here.
The first program of its kind in Canada, the Honours Bachelor of Health Care Technology Management BHCTM degree addresses an identified need in the health care sector for professionals with a hybrid skill set of expertise in medical technology, life sciences and business practices. As a graduate, you will use your unique qualifications to influence positive patient outcomes, effective and safe use of innovative technologies, and financial stewardship. Please visit the Admission Requirements tab for further information.
Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University. Archive Module Description This page is for the academic year The current handbook year is Academic Year No such Code for prog:
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