Cloningessay process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or an cloning short essay. Cloning happens all the time in cloning short example, when a cell replicates itself asexually without any genetic click or recombination. Prokaryotic organisms organisms lacking a cell nucleus such as bacteria create genetically identical duplicates of themselves using binary fission or budding.
In eukaryotic organisms organisms possessing a cell nucleus such as humans, all the cells cloning short essay undergo mitosissuch as cloning short essay cells and essay lining the gastrointestinal tractare clones ; the only exceptions are cloning short essay eggs and spermwhich undergo meiosis and genetic recombination. In biomedical research, cloning is broadly defined to mean the duplication of any kind of biological material for scientific study, such cloning short essay a piece of DNA or an individual cell.
For example, segments of DNA are replicated exponentially by a process known as polymerase chain reactionor PCR, a technique that is used widely in basic biological research. The type of cloning that is the focus of much ethical controversy involves the generation of cloned embryosparticularly those of humans, which are genetically identical to the organisms from which cloning short essay are derived, and the subsequent use of these embryos for research, therapeutic, or reproductive cloning short essay. Later, Spemann, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his research on embryonic development, theorized about another cloning procedure cloning short essay as see more transfer.
This procedure was performed in by American scientists Cloning short essay W. Briggs and Thomas J. King, who cloning short essay DNA from embryonic cells of the frog Rana pipiens to generate cloned tadpoles.
Gurdon was awarded a share of the Cloning short essay Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this breakthrough. Advancements in cloning short cloning short essay field of molecular biology led to the development of techniques cloning short essay allowed essay to manipulate cells and to cloning short essay chemical markers that cloning short essay changes within cells.
With the advent of recombinant DNA technology in the s, it became possible for scientists to create transgenic clones—clones with genomes containing pieces of DNA from other organisms. Beginning in the s mammals such as sheep were cloned from early and partially differentiated embryonic cells.
In British developmental biologist Ian Wilmut cloning short essay a cloning short essay sheep, named Dollyby means of courage jackie essay robinson transfer involving an enucleated embryo and a differentiated cell cloning short essay. This technique, which was later refined and became known as somatic cell nuclear transfer SCNTrepresented an extraordinary advance in the science of cloning, cloning short essay it resulted in the creation of a cloning short essay identical clone of an already grown sheep.
It also indicated that it was possible for cloning short essay DNA in differentiated somatic body cells to revert to essay undifferentiated embryonic stage, thereby reestablishing pluripotency —the potential of an embryonic cell essay grow into any one of the numerous different types of mature body cells that make up a complete organism. The realization that the DNA of somatic cells could be reprogrammed to a pluripotent state significantly impacted research into therapeutic cloning and the development of stem cell therapies.
Soon cloning short the generation of Dolly, a number of other animals essay cloned by SCNT, including pigsgoats essay short cloning short, ratsmicedogshorsesand mules. Despite those successes, the birth of a viable SCNT primate clone would not come to fruition untiland scientists used other cloning processes in the meantime.
In a team of scientists essay a rhesus monkey through a process called embryonic cell nuclear transferwhich is similar to SCNT except that it uses DNA from an undifferentiated embryo. In macaque monkey embryos were cloned by SCNT, but essay clones lived only to the blastocyst stage cloning short embryonic development. It was more than 10 years later, after improvements to SCNT had been made, cloning short essay scientists announced the live birth essay two clones of cloning short essay crab-eating macaque Macaca fascicularisthe cloning short essay primate clones using the SCNT process.
cloning short
Reproductive cloning involves the cloning short of a cloned embryo into a essay or an artificial uterus. The embryo develops into cloning short essay fetus that is then carried to term.
Reproductive cloning experiments were performed for more than 40 years through the process of embryo splitting, in which a single early-stage two-cell embryo cloning short essay manually divided into two individual cells and then grows as two identical embryos.
Reproductive cloning techniques underwent significant change in the s, essay the birth of Dollywho cloning short generated through the process of SCNT. This process entails the removal of the entire nucleus from a somatic body cell of read article organism, followed by insertion of the nucleus into an egg cell that has had its own nucleus removed enucleation.
Once cloning short essay somatic nucleus is inside the egg, the egg is stimulated with a mild electrical current and begins dividing.
Thus, a cloned embryo, essentially an embryo of an identical twin of the original organism, is created. The SCNT process has undergone cloning short essay refinement since the s, and procedures have been developed to prevent damage to eggs link nuclear extraction and somatic cell nuclear insertion. Reproductive cloning /purchase-a-dissertation-101.html Cloning short essay is considered very harmful since the fetuses of embryos cloned through Cloning short essay rarely survive gestation and usually are born with birth defects.
Likewise, attempts to produce a macaque monkey clone in cloning short essay cloned embryos, implanted into 50 female macaque monkeys, none of which gave rise to a viable pregnancy.
In Januaryscientists at Stemagen, a stem cell research and cloning short essay company in California, announced that they cloning short essay cloned five human embryos by means of SCNT and that the embryos cloning short essay matured to the stage at which they could have been implanted in a womb.
However, the scientists destroyed the embryos after essay days, in the interest of performing molecular essay on them. Therapeutic cloning is intended to use cloned embryos for the purpose of extracting stem cells from them, without ever implanting cloning short essay /how-to-write-paper-using-apa-format.html in a womb.
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