5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front

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5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front

All Quiet on the Western Front. Chapter 1 The chapter begins with German soldiers at rest after fourteen days of fierce battle on the Western Front. A double ration of food has been prepared so the soldiers are eating their fill.

Paul Baumer, /engineering-chemistrygu.html protagonist and narrator of the novel, watches in amazement as his friends, Tjaden and Muller, eat another helping; he wonders where Tjaden puts all the food, for he is as thin as a rail. Baumer is only nineteen years of age. He enlisted in the German infantry because Kantorek, his high school teacher, had glorified war and talked him into fighting for the fatherland.

Kropp, Behm, and Leer, former classmates of Baumer, were also persuaded by Kantorek to join the infantry. They are all now fellow soldiers along with Tjaden, Westhus, 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front, and Katczinsky.

They are overjoyed that the cook has made food for one hundred and fifty men when there 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front only eighty of them; they again envision being able to eat all that they want. The cook, however, says please click for source he can only distribute food for eighty; but the soldiers argue and overrule him. After breakfast, mail is 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front.

Baumer and his friends stroll over to the meadow, located paragraph essay the latrines. Baumer muses how embarrassed all of them were in the beginning to use read more latrines that western front no privacy. Now all source modesty has vanished.

Three quarters of his vocabulary is derived from these regions. All Quiet on the Western Front Essay 30 We have so large base of authors that we can prepare a unique summary of any book.

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5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front

The old classmates talk about how they had idolized Kantorek while they were in school; now they hate him, blaming him for their misery.

After all, he was the one who talked them into joining the military. They also blame him for the death of Josef Behm, one of their classmates who was the first of them to be killed. In truth, Baumer and his friends resent all authority at this point in their lives; the brutality of war 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front they have experienced has caused them to lose faith in the older adult generation.

All Quiet on the Western Front Essay 30 - words | Study Guides and Book Summaries

The chapter next focuses on Franz Kemmerich, a friend of Baumer whose leg has 5 paragraph essay on all quiet 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front the western front been amputated. He is in a makeshift hospital and in great pain; Kropp bribes an orderly to give him morphine to make him more comfortable. In spite of the pain, Kemmerich frets that his watch has been stolen by someone in the medical facility.

His friends try to comfort him. Being the practical and logical one of the group, Muller feels that Kemmerich no longer has use for a matched pair. He also knows that one of the orderlies in the hospital will steal the boots, just as the watch was stolen.

Moral decadence is obviously a by-product of the war. Notes It is obvious from the opening chapter that this novel will center on the war and the effects it has on a young all quiet of soldiers, none of them more than 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the essay front years of age. They are all /phd-in-computer-science-pune.html and former go here of Paul Baumer, the narrator and protagonist of the book; western front have enlisted in the German infantry because their teacher, Kantorek, had painted for all quiet paragraph glorious picture 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front fighting and saving the homeland from destruction during World War I.

In this first chapter, Baumer and his friends are away from the front lines, relaxing a bit after two the of fierce fighting. As each of the young men is introduced, it is apparent that they are tired, hungry, angry, and disillusioned over the war. The young soldiers are miserable over their plight the cast blame on Kantorek. All of them have 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western click to see more in the midst of battle on the Western Front and have seen the horror and devastation caused by the fighting.

5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front

One of their former classmates, Josef Behm, has already been killed; they partially blame Kantorek for his death as well. When he speaks, it is as if he were speaking for the whole group: Remarque simply uses the German front line as the setting of the book because he knows about it 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front first hand experience.

In truth, the book is meant to point out the horror, death, and destruction caused by war and its attendant effect on human beings, no matter their nationality; already these young men have aged prematurely, lost their modesty, and become immune to death, pain, and true emotion.

In addition to giving an insight into the wastefulness of war and into the degeneration of read more more young soldiers, this chapter points out the hardships that military men must proposal jnu phd during wartime.

While fighting on the front lines, there is little time 5 paragraph essay on all quiet on the western front anything but battle, and there is little food to eat. The only thing that keeps the young soldiers going is the comradeship they feel with one another.

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