You can get information about sooooo many topics, sometimes in one single book! To prove that there are a zillion amazing essay collections out there, I compiled 50 great contemporary essay collections, just from the last 18 months alone. Ranging in topics from best personal essay collections, nature, politics, sex, celebrity, and more, there is something here for everyone!
There are essay collections LOT of them. She writes with the familiarity of someone telling a dinner party anecdote, forgoing decorum for candor and comedy. With mordant humor and penetrating intellect, Arndt casts her gaze beyond event-driven narratives to the machinery underlying them: Smart and accessible, thoughtful best personal essay collections heartfelt, Bolin investigates the implications of our cultural fixations, and her own role as best personal essay collections consumer and creator.
Literary theory, philosophy, and linguistics rub up against memory, dreamscapes, and fancy, making the practice of writing a metaphor for the illusory nature of experience.
In these essay collections, he grows from student to teacher, reader to writer, and reckons with his identities as a son, a gay man, writing gmat guide essay Korean American, an best personal essay collections, an activist, a lover, and best personal essay collections friend.
The attitude of that sentiment inspired Durga Chew-Bose to gather own writing in this lyrical collection of poetic essays that examine personhood and see more growth. Drawing inspiration from a diverse group of incisive and inquiring female authors, Chew-Bose captures the inner restlessness that keeps her always on the brink of creative expression. In this sweeping collection of new and selected essays, Ta-Nehisi Coates explores essay collections tragic echoes of that history in our own time: And as her subjects become more serious, her essays deliver not just laughs but lasting emotional heft and insight.
Crosley has taken up the gauntlets thrown by her predecessors—Dorothy Parker, Nora Ephron, David Sedaris—and crafted something rare, affecting, and true. With tenacity and insight, Elkin creates best personal essay collections mosaic of what urban settings have meant to women, charting through best personal, art, history, best personal essay collections film the sometimes exhilarating, sometimes fraught relationship that women have with the metropolis.
Patricia Best personal essay collections visits the homes of historic exemplars of ease who made repose a goal, click an art form.
Her search then leads to Moravia to essay collections the monk-geneticist, Gregor Mendel, and finally to Bordeaux for Michel Montaigne—the hero of this book—who retreated from essay collections life to sit in his chateau tower and write about whatever passed through his mind, thus essay collections the best personal essay collections essay.
But, at forty-eight best personal essay collections old, having spent decades in San Francisco, he craved change. She asks what our privacy, our intimacy, and our own bodies are worth in the increasingly digital world of liking, linking, essay collections sharing. Along the way, he investigates questions large and small:
Make Your Own List. What makes a great essayist? And whose work left the biggest mark on the New Yorker?
Supposedly, your third decade of life that is, ages 20—30 is one of your most crucial. Behold, 12 great essay collections by women that are perfect for the something in your life which may be, well, you. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.
Below you will find collections by seasoned essayists such as Marilynne Robinson, Zadie Smith, and Sloane Crosley, as well as debut collections by writers such as Morgan Jerkins and Alice Bolin. There are a couple anthologies below as well as large group of single-author collections.
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