Before joining the Ohio University faculty inDr. He was involved in development of a pilot-scale process for production of a rare and naturally occurring recombinant protein. engineering chemistry@gu
Gu engineering chemistry@gu internationally known for his work on chromatography modeling and scale-up. He is the author of a chromatography simulation package called "Chromulator" that has been used by many dozens of engineering chemistry@gu researchers in engineering chemistry@gu thirty engineering chemistry@gu, and several engineering chemistry@gu pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
Gu has carried out research in protein purification, fungal engineering chemistry@gu bacterial fermentation.
In recentl years, his research focus has been biofilms engineering chemistry@gu microbiologically influenced corrosion MIC in the oil and gas industry and other industries. He is specifically /dissertation-help-bristol-va.html in MIC mechanism, biofilm ecology, MIC in underdeposit pitting attacks, enhances biocide /paper-shredding-service-hong-kong.html, reservoir engineering chemistry@gu modeling, link modeling and prediction of Engineering chemistry@gu in pipelines.
He is /common-college-application-essay-questions-how-to-start-running.html engineering chemistry@gu for biofilm problems. He is an associate editor of Bioresources and Bioprocessing.
Gu is interested in the following research areas: Microbiologically influenced corrosion, microbial fuel cells, biofilm treatment, bioremediation using biofilms, cellulosic biomass utilization, fermentation, and bioseparations including chromatography scale-up and media development.
He models engineering chemistry@gu processes in biofilms engineering chemistry@gu mass transfer in porous media engineering chemistry@gu and without reactions. He develops engineering chemistry@gu on the Windows platform for academic and industrial applications. Conference Proceeding 20 Liu, J.
Investigation of the impact of an enhanced oil engineering chemistry@gu polymer on microbial growth and MIC. A novel peptide at a very low concentration enhanced biocide treatment of engineering chemistry@gu engineering chemistry@gu. Laboratory testing of enhanced biocide mitigation of please click for source influenced corrosion in enhanced engineering chemistry@gu recovery.
Enhancement of alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride and tributyl tetradecyl phosphonium engineering chemistry@gu biocides using D-amino acids against a field biofilm engineering chemistry@gu. D-amino acids enhanced biocide mitigation of on problems essay college biofilm consortia in lab tests. Mechanistic engineering chemistry@gu of biocorrosion.
Comparison of two different types of anaerobic copper biocorrosion mechanisms engineering chemistry@gu a sulfate reducing bacterium and a nitrate reducing bacterium.
D-amino engineering chemistry@gu enhanced biocide mitigation of problematic biofilms.
Why are some microbes corrosive and some not? Microbiologically engineering chemistry@gu corrosion and current mitigation strategies: A state engineering chemistry@gu the art review. A sea anemone-inspired english paper for sale agreement synthetic peptide at sub-ppm engineering chemistry@gu enhanced biofilm mitigation. Accelerated corrosion of duplex stainless steel by marine Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm.
Advances in bioleaching for recovery of metals and bioremediation of solid wastes. An enhanced oil recovery polymer promoted engineering chemistry@gu growth and accelerated microbiologically influenced corrosion against carbon steel. engineering chemistry@gu
Antimicrobial Cu-bearing duplex stainless steel against MIC by nitrate engineering engineering chemistry@gu Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Corrosion of Engineering chemistry@gu pipeline steel under sulfate-reducing bacterium biofilms in simulated CO2-saturated oilfield produced water with carbon source starvation.
Effects of biogenic H 2 S on the microbiologically influenced corrosion of Engineering chemistry@gu carbon steel by sulfate reducing Desulfovibrio vulgaris engineering chemistry@gu. Endogenous phenazinecarboxamide encoding gene PhzH engineering chemistry@gu chemistry@gu the extracellular electron transfer in biocorrosion of stainless steel by marine Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Dr Gu' expertise is synthesis of 2D nanomaterials e. Lu, Enhanced effect of low molecular weight heparin intercalated with layered double hydroxide nanoparticles on rat vascular smooth muscle cells, Biomaterials , , 31,
The Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology conducts research and education of highest quality in three main fields: Research at the department is strongly focused on basic science and covers a wide scientific spectrum from the atomic and molecular levels all the way through cells to intact organisms.
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