Here are two sample responses which address point four of the essay plan: The last chapter ties up all the loose ends. Francis wjec english literature past papers heroes in the railway station after he has said goodbye to Nicole for the very last time.
He describes how he watches people rushing around the station on their way somewhere. He sees two soldiers, one is still in the /little-women-essay.html and wjec english literature past papers heroes medals on his chest.
This man is a literature past. The other soldier is wearing an old battle jacket, past papers heroes and stained and he does not look like a hero. Francis sees his smile change to a frown as he wjec english the horrible things he witnessed in the war. Francis remembers the men papers heroes his platoon, and he says that they were the real heroes because even though they were scared, they did not run away.
Cormier starts the next four sentences with Maybe This tells the reader that Francis is beginning to papers heroes some plans.
I like the past papers heroes lines when Francis refers to his duffel bag and says, wjec english literature past papers heroes weight is nice and comfortable wjec english literature past papers heroes my wjec english literature past papers heroes. He then heads for the exit and link next train to leave the station.
This response shows an understanding of the way Cormier brings all the loose ends together. It places Francis in the railway station, showing an understanding that he is on his way somewhere, but it needs to extend this and show the examiner that check this out station represents his journey through life.
At this moment he is at a crossroads and must decide which way to go. The discussion of the two soldiers is good because there is an obvious understanding of the way appearances past papers heroes be deceptive. However, this needs to be explained more carefully.
Wjec english literature past papers heroes, the candidate could have talked about the final description about the duffel bag being light now, as Francis no longer feels weighed down by guilt.
The last chapter is very short and it ties up all the loose ends. Francis is in the railway station, which symbolises literature past papers journey just click for source wjec english, after he has said goodbye to Nicole for the very last time.
He must be feeling quite sad, but also heroes because she has given him some encouragement.
This reminds us that Francis does not have anywhere to go. By this point in the novel, the reader knows that people would consider this wjec english literature past papers heroes a hero because wjec english literature looks like one.
The other soldier is wearing an old battle jacket, soiled and stained.
Francis remembers the men in his platoon, and he runs through their names like a roll-call in the army, which is an effective link back to the war. He says /corporate-finance-problems-answers.html they were the real heroes because even though they were scared, they did not run away.
Then Cormier does an interesting thing with language; he starts the next four wjec english literature past papers heroes with Maybe This use of repetition tells the reader that Francis is beginning to have some hope, as he is starting to consider a future. The final lines are very effective because Francis refers to his duffel bag, which he has been carrying everywhere, wjec english literature past papers heroes his heavy burden of guilt.
He says, the weight is nice and comfortable on my back. He then heads for the exit and the next train to leave the station, and the reader knows he will continue on his past papers heroes.
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