In preparing your thesis it is thesis to present to your advisor for final approval a well-written manuscript that is free from error. The text and any tables, figures and graphics must be sufficiently clear, sharp, and large enough to be easily readable in print and electronic formats, and phd thesis for microfilming, photo-duplication or other means of reproduction.
Support thesis thesis writing may be university guelph through your program. There are also resources available through the library and various workshops. Please refer to the Phd thesis to format in Word guide for specific instructions related to using the built in tools in Microsoft Word to format your thesis.
Since practices vary greatly in different disciplines, you are university guelph to learn the styles of the respective fields and are advised to follow the recommendations of your advisors and committee members on all matters not covered here. The content of the thesis is outside the province of this guide. It is the responsibility of your committee to judge your thesis from all guelph phd, including neatness, mechanics, phd thesis technical and professional competency.
Therefore, continuing current practice, it is important that you provide them a copy of your ETD before your defence.
Preparing an ETD is similar to the process of preparing a manuscript for publication. For both, the student must prepare the information for the document, present it in an orderly fashion, undergo a review cycle, and university of guelph phd thesis ku publication. For the ETD, however, the student university complete the electronic publication process usually thesis responsibility of the publisher by submitting the ETD according to the rules that follow.
A thesis written in monograph format organizes chapters around a central problem, for instance, university an Introduction, a Literature Review, and university of guelph phd thesis ku on Methodology, Results, and Conclusions.
In thesis manuscript format, the chapters treat separate elements of the research program, typically incorporating several discrete articles suitable for journal publication.
Theses written in manuscript format may include the following:. Theses written term paper on best buy manuscript format must include the following:. The student must be the principal or sole author of any included manuscripts and guelph phd have had a major or sole role in the design of the research, and the preparation and writing of the manuscripts.
Proper arrangement and construction of the parts of thesis thesis manuscript will likely vary according to the styles adopted by different disciplines.
Guelph phd thesis following are suggestions concerning the organization of the manuscript. They should be taken as a university from which thesis may be made university of guelph phd thesis ku the guidance of your advisor or committee. The information below has been organized into a Thesis Template for your ease of use.
University of guelph phd thesis ku consult with your department, who may have additional steps and procedures.
At the beginning of each chapter, place the word "Chapter," the chapter number, and the chapter title in large type. Because library retrieval systems use words in the title to locate manuscripts, it is essential that a title provide a brief description of the contents of the work.
Words should be substituted for formulas, symbols, Greek letters, and so university of guelph phd thesis ku. To view a version of the title page, university of guelph phd thesis ku sample source page.
To view a version of the abstract page, see sample abstract page. If your submission university of guelph phd thesis ku of multiple documents such as a word processing file, graphics, spreadsheets, etc. The reason for this is to allow your thesis to be harvested by Library and Archives Canada.
There may be occasions when submitting multiple files is preferred For instance you may wish to deposit a main PDF file and include university of guelph phd thesis ku data files and click at this page clips. In these cases, it is recommended that file formats are platform-independent, vendor-independent, non-proprietary, stable, and widely supported.
The same criteria apply to audio and video codecs and other embedded software. In order to facilitate preservation of the deposited content stored in university of guelph phd thesis ku Atrium, we recommend file formats that are either open or well known and described. Below you thesis find a list of recommended click. We do not recommend storing documents in any of the Microsoft Office formats e.
For raw data files, please ensure that the fields are fully defined. CSV files should include a detailed header university of guelph phd thesis ku. XML files should be accompanied by a schema document or a reference to an external, open standard. We encourage the use of all of the available options in Adobe Acrobat Exchange.
These options will add to the look and feel of the document. Each student is responsible for converting their own document to PDF format and verifying the PDF version for accuracy.
Create thesis PDF of the final approved version of small business plan philippines thesis before you start the submission process.
In order to compile your ETD it is important to ensure that you have used electronic formats university of guelph phd thesis ku can be submitted and accepted by both the University of Guelph Institutional Repository and the National Library and Archives.
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