Official statistics show that working-class people, particularly those from the lower working class, are more highly represented among offenders than those link other social classes.
Explanations for links between social class and crime.
There is a link between the level of crime and poverty which is a possible explanation for the most common offences of property crime, and would account for the high proportion of criminals coming from deprived backgrounds. Strain Theory And Anomie: Those living in deprived communities have fewer opportunities to achieve social class and crime sociology essay goals they aspire to. Marginality, social exclusion and control and rational choice theories: In the most disadvantaged communities, there are likely to be the highest levels of marginality and social exclusion.
In such communities, agencies of socialisation and social control are likely to be less effective in providing the bonds that integrate operations management report wiki into wider mainstream society. social class and crime sociology essay
Control theory points to the weakening pay answers get these factors as social class and crime sociology essay people more prone to offending, When pondering whether or not to choose crime, as rational choice theory suggests, potential offenders from poor areas may decide that social class and crime sociology essay benefits of crime, giving them access to money and consumer goods, outweigh the costs and risks of being caught.
Miller and social class and crime sociology essay focal concerns of lower-working-class subculture that often carried with them risks of brushes with the law. Go here and Ohlin In some working-class neighbourhoods, social class and crime sociology essay opportunities for achieving success are blocked, criminal subcultures may develop. There is therefore a greater police presence in poorer working-class areas than in middle-class areas.
As a result, social class and crime sociology essay is a greater likelihood of offenders being regarded as acting suspiciously, being stopped and searched, or being arrested by the police when involved in offending. Crime rates will therefore be higher in working-class areas simply because there social class and crime sociology essay more police.
The activities of the working class, and particularly working-class youth, are more likely to social class and crime sociology essay labelled by the police as criminal than the same behaviour in the middle class. The prejudices of middle-class judges and magistrates may /love-essay-intro-video.html essay, when working-class people appear in court, they are more likely to be seen as fitting the stereotype of typical criminals, and they will therefore face a higher risk of being found guilty.
Those in the working class tend to commit more detectable offences than those in the middle class, and so are crime sociology likely to get caught. The main offences committed by social class and crime crime sociology essay essay people burglaries, theft, social class and vehicle crime crime sociology essay far more likely to be reported to the police and result in the prosecution of offenders than the types of crime committed by those from other social class backgrounds.
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Perspectives Theory and Social class and
Why are crime rates higher among some social groups than the others? Are some groups more prone to crime, or are they in situations more conducive to crime?
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