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With tales both new and old. Is better to me than gold. April is National Poetry Month.
Our Best Friends Books are our best friend, And will remain till the end, They are our personal guide, To live in this world with pride. Teachers are our guiding lights, And help us to vast open our sights, By the books we get and are able, To make our life unforgettable. Some see them as the best facility in the world, Some see them as a nonsense full of words, Books change the life of some people, By giving them ideas which are not feeble.
When you think of a Kiwi summer you think of days at the beach, hokey pokey ice cream, pohutukawa trees, jandals and lots of family time. New Zealand stories and poems that encapsulate a Kiwi summer have been gathered together in a gorgeous new collection by Puffin. Summer Days is a gorgeous collection of New Zealand stories and poems that the whole family will enjoy.
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