This study attempted to determine the levels of academic performance of two groups of students admitted with different entry certificates to the Nigeria certificate in Education NCE See more Programme and to find out whether either group differed significantly in terms of performance.
The data consisted of raw scores obtained by these students in five 5 courses. The data were analysed review related literature academic achievement to their arithmetic means and a t-test.
The reliability of t-test results see more ascertained review related literature the use of an f-test of group variances. The study established that the secondary school certificate students performed significantly better than their City and Guilds certificate counterparts, and both groups differed significantly in other aspects of academic performance. Keywords — performance, academic qualification, entry qualification, prior education.
Human civilization is quite often review related literature academic achievement to technological advances and developments.
This has been corroborated by Ifejikawho reported that the key manpower needed for the rapid development of a nation is technical in nature. This is because it is the technical manpower that induces the acceleration of scientific and technological development; in order for a country to advance technologically, it therefore requires teachers trained in technical education.
It was in realisation of this that the Nigerian government established the Federal Colleges of Education Technicalwhile the state governments established vocational and technical education departments in the conventional Colleges of Education.
This is in line with the aim of the Nigeria Certificate in Education NCE Technical Programme, which is to provide technical teachers with the intellectual and professional background adequate for teaching technical subjects and to make them adaptable to any changing situation in technological review related literature academic achievement, not only in the country, but also in the wider arena of the world at large NCCE The entry requirements for the School Certificate group is a passing learn more here in at least five 5 subjects, including a passing mark in English language and review related literature review related literature academic achievement achievement 3 credits passed in mathematics and two 2 different science subjects.
These requirements review related literature academic achievement be obtained at no more than two sittings in the West African School Certificate Examinations or its equivalent. In light of the foregoing, the study is therefore an attempt to determine the levels of academic performance of the secondary school certificate and the City and Guilds certificate groups of students.
Various factors contribute to determining the academic performance of students in any educational endeavour. According to Wikipediaacademic performance is the outcome of education; it is the extent to which a review related literature academic achievement, see more or institution has achieved their educational goals. Thus performance review related literature academic achievement characterised by performance on tests associated with coursework and the performance of students on other types of examinations Kyoshaba, Some of the factors identified and reported to have affected the academic performance of students in these different settings are: These admission points or entry certificates are always of equivalent rating or value, even though review related literature academic achievement may be awarded by different examination bodies.
The type of school a child attended also affects review related literature academic achievement academic performance of the student. In the same vein, Miller and Birchwhile studying the influence literature academic achievement the high school attended on university performance, observed that outcomes at the university literature academic achievement differ according to the type of high school attended.
In addition, Ali et al. However, this is a function of the number of facilities a school offers, which usually determines their quality, and which in turn affects the performance and accomplishments of review related students. Although the certificates each group of students obtained from different review related bodies may be equivalent, the curriculum content review related literature academic achievement the expected educational outcomes may not be exactly the same.
In a related study, Mlambo observed that for a number of institutions, student admission is based achievement a number of different qualifications, to the extent that students receiving instruction in the same course differ greatly in terms of /top-essay-writing-websites-list.html prior knowledge.
This being review related literature academic /essay-about-problems-in-the-world-perfect.html case, one might wonder whether other researchers totally agree that prior educational performance, admission points and different entry qualifications truly affect future academic performance.
The answer is no. In a study on review related review related academic achievement literature academic between previous academic performance and subsequent achievement at the university level, Achievement, Reddy and Talcott found achievement students learning or studying at the graduate level and scores earned failed to predict any level of academic achievement at university.
The Academic Admission Council at Oregon State University also disagreed with the view that academic performance is determined by prior academic performance. Mlambo also reported that there was no significant difference in the academic performance among students due to differences in the admission criteria employed; the same study observed that while varied, these criteria adequately assessed the potential of students to handle the demands of review related in agriculture.
However, holders of diplomas in agriculture and other review related literature academic achievement appeared at the bottom of the review related literature academic achievement performance chart. Nonetheless, it is very important to note that even though these review related literature academic achievement do not agree with former studies that indicate achievement in previous studies affects future performance, they did confirm that admission scores are related to academic performance at the university level, but to a academic achievement minimal extent Ali, et al.
In light of the academic achievement literature reviewed, it seemed pertinent to find out whether there is actually any difference in the academic writing a proposal powerpoint of students with different qualifications.
This is because quality technical teachers are very review related literature academic achievement in technical education. Review related literature academic achievement, the success or academic achievement of any technical education system is dependent on the quality of how to do financial analysis for business plan teachers Banjo, Also, the level of academic performance of the students in the NCE Technical Programme could prove to be an index of the quality of the technical essay on happiness in english in check this out system Ihiegbulem, It also examined whether the groups differed significantly in terms of their academic performance.
Specifically, the academic achievement of this study were to determine: Based on the stated objectives, the study sought answers to continue reading following research questions: The following null hypotheses were formulated literature academic achievement a guide for the study: The choice was based on the fact that it has an approved School of Technical Education with accredited departments.
It achievement presumably has qualified staff and standard workshops with tools and equipment for the NCE Technical Review related literature academic achievement.
Of these students, forty-eight 48 students entered the programme with secondary school certificates and literature academic achievement 36 students gained admission with City and Guilds certificates. The selection of the review related was done alphabetically for both groups for reasons of convenience.
This means review literature academic achievement literature academic achievement the first forty 40 and thirty 30 names on the list of each review related literature academic achievement were selected, respectively.
The researcher used only five 5 core courses for reasons of convenience and with the assumption that similar results were likely to be obtained in other courses.
These scores constituted the data used for the study. Data were analysed review related literature academic achievement the arithmetic means and a t-Test of two independent group means.
An f-test was used to ascertain the homogeneity of literature academic variance. Mean scores of secondary School and City and Guilds certificate students were review related literature academic achievement for each course.
Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA and completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor's degrees represent academic achievement.
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